Discusses various definitions of myth, and its relationship to the fairy-tale. Considers Tolkien’s v...
This is Mythellaney, a magazine for fun and for fantasy. Mythellaney is concocted by people like you...
For 7 years, we have struggled to put out an amateur publication with professional flare. To those...
Analyzes Dunsany’s technique, particularly his prose style and use of archaic language, to demonstra...
Our 1981 issue of Mythellany disappeared like Farmer Maggot\u27s mushrooms. I hope you got one. If ...
Myths and legends have existed since the start of human civilization, but now we can only imagine a ...
Guest of Honor speech, Mythcon 19. Defines indigenous fantasy—fantasy in a contemporary, “real-world...
Reviewed Book: Batto, Bernard F. Slaying the dragon: mythmaking in the biblical tradition. Louisvill...
Our 1981 issue of Mythellany disappeared like Farmer Maggot\u27s mushrooms. I hope you got one. If ...
*Editorial Note: This column reprints the Book Review on Amazon with permission from Dr. Giang Hoang...
Early Puritan colonists expressed conflicting views regarding the religious significance of the New ...
Over many years, Dr. Leland Ryken has taught Paradise Lost. In this fireside chat, Ryken discusses h...
Mythprint is the monthly bulletin of the Mythopoeic Society, a nonprofit educational organization de...
John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials are two grand feats of mythic st...
Contends religious discourse has migrated to the fantasy novel, and fantasy “invades so-called reali...
Discusses various definitions of myth, and its relationship to the fairy-tale. Considers Tolkien’s v...
This is Mythellaney, a magazine for fun and for fantasy. Mythellaney is concocted by people like you...
For 7 years, we have struggled to put out an amateur publication with professional flare. To those...
Analyzes Dunsany’s technique, particularly his prose style and use of archaic language, to demonstra...
Our 1981 issue of Mythellany disappeared like Farmer Maggot\u27s mushrooms. I hope you got one. If ...
Myths and legends have existed since the start of human civilization, but now we can only imagine a ...
Guest of Honor speech, Mythcon 19. Defines indigenous fantasy—fantasy in a contemporary, “real-world...
Reviewed Book: Batto, Bernard F. Slaying the dragon: mythmaking in the biblical tradition. Louisvill...
Our 1981 issue of Mythellany disappeared like Farmer Maggot\u27s mushrooms. I hope you got one. If ...
*Editorial Note: This column reprints the Book Review on Amazon with permission from Dr. Giang Hoang...
Early Puritan colonists expressed conflicting views regarding the religious significance of the New ...
Over many years, Dr. Leland Ryken has taught Paradise Lost. In this fireside chat, Ryken discusses h...
Mythprint is the monthly bulletin of the Mythopoeic Society, a nonprofit educational organization de...
John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials are two grand feats of mythic st...
Contends religious discourse has migrated to the fantasy novel, and fantasy “invades so-called reali...
Discusses various definitions of myth, and its relationship to the fairy-tale. Considers Tolkien’s v...
This is Mythellaney, a magazine for fun and for fantasy. Mythellaney is concocted by people like you...
For 7 years, we have struggled to put out an amateur publication with professional flare. To those...