tag=1 data=Citizen's Initiative versus constitutional government. tag=2 data=Evans, Harry. tag=3 data=Legislative Studies, Vol. 7 No. 1, Spring. tag=6 data=^d ^m ^y1992 tag=8 data=REFERENDUMS tag=9 data=AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION%CITIZEN-INITIATED REFERENDUM tag=10 data=QLD PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY, INFORMATION KIT NO. 52 tag=15 data=JOU tag=32 data=WALKER, GEOFFREY DE Q.QLD PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY, INFORMATION KIT NO. 5
tag=1 data=Republic of Democracy? by Graham Maddox tag=2 data=Maddox, Graham tag=3 data=Australian...
tag=1 data=Constitution Legislation : call of Senate tag=2 data=Australia. Parliament. Senate tag=...
tag=1 data=Keeping the Australian republic. by Harry Evans tag=2 data=Evans, Harry tag=3 data=Poli...
tag=1 data=The case for the initiative and the referendum. tag=3 data=The Initiative and Referendum...
tag=1 data=Initiative and Referendum : participatory democracy or rolling back the State? tag=2 d...
tag=1 data=The people's law. tag=2 data=Walker, Geoffrey De Q. tag=3 data=The initiative and Refer...
tag=1 data=Citizen's initiated referenda. tag=3 data=Queensland Parliamentary Library, Information ...
tag=1 data=Direct democracy : citizens initiated referenda : a question of public confidence. tag=2...
tag=1 data=Citizens Initiated Referenda No. 101. tag=6 data=^d ^m ^y1993 tag=8 data=REFER...
tag=1 data=Plan for citizen initiated debates. tag=2 data=Raethel, Stephanie tag=3 data=Courier Ma...
tag=1 data=Civics, survey research and the republic. by Murray Goot tag=2 data=Goot, Murray tag=3 ...
tag=1 data=Constitutional Referendums: Bipartisan or Bust tag=3 data=Parliamentary Research Servi...
tag=1 data=The Constitutional minefield of Australian Republicanism. by Greg Craven tag=2 data=Crav...
tag=1 data=Citizens Initiated Referenda Bill : report of Electoral Law Committee. tag=3 data=New Ze...
tag=1 data=Citizen, collegium and republican governance. by John Power tag=2 data=Power, John tag=...
tag=1 data=Republic of Democracy? by Graham Maddox tag=2 data=Maddox, Graham tag=3 data=Australian...
tag=1 data=Constitution Legislation : call of Senate tag=2 data=Australia. Parliament. Senate tag=...
tag=1 data=Keeping the Australian republic. by Harry Evans tag=2 data=Evans, Harry tag=3 data=Poli...
tag=1 data=The case for the initiative and the referendum. tag=3 data=The Initiative and Referendum...
tag=1 data=Initiative and Referendum : participatory democracy or rolling back the State? tag=2 d...
tag=1 data=The people's law. tag=2 data=Walker, Geoffrey De Q. tag=3 data=The initiative and Refer...
tag=1 data=Citizen's initiated referenda. tag=3 data=Queensland Parliamentary Library, Information ...
tag=1 data=Direct democracy : citizens initiated referenda : a question of public confidence. tag=2...
tag=1 data=Citizens Initiated Referenda No. 101. tag=6 data=^d ^m ^y1993 tag=8 data=REFER...
tag=1 data=Plan for citizen initiated debates. tag=2 data=Raethel, Stephanie tag=3 data=Courier Ma...
tag=1 data=Civics, survey research and the republic. by Murray Goot tag=2 data=Goot, Murray tag=3 ...
tag=1 data=Constitutional Referendums: Bipartisan or Bust tag=3 data=Parliamentary Research Servi...
tag=1 data=The Constitutional minefield of Australian Republicanism. by Greg Craven tag=2 data=Crav...
tag=1 data=Citizens Initiated Referenda Bill : report of Electoral Law Committee. tag=3 data=New Ze...
tag=1 data=Citizen, collegium and republican governance. by John Power tag=2 data=Power, John tag=...
tag=1 data=Republic of Democracy? by Graham Maddox tag=2 data=Maddox, Graham tag=3 data=Australian...
tag=1 data=Constitution Legislation : call of Senate tag=2 data=Australia. Parliament. Senate tag=...
tag=1 data=Keeping the Australian republic. by Harry Evans tag=2 data=Evans, Harry tag=3 data=Poli...