Health problems in the elderly begins with the process of deterioration of body cells, which causes a decrease in function and immune system so that it can increase risk factors for disease. Some diseases that are often experienced by the elderly include, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, gout, hearing loss, vision problems, osteoporosis, and others. These conditions will have an impact on increasing morbidity and mortality, declining quality of life, and increasing health financing. The method of implementing community service activities is carried out by educating health issues, providing guidance, counseling and mentoring to 20 elderly groups. The purpose of community service activities is to increase health care efforts which...
Background: At the time of the elderly, people suffered various setbacks that affect the function an...
Increasing the number of elderly population is one indicator of development success as well as a cha...
Elderly people are at risk of developing degenerative diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus. D...
Elderly people have susceptible to degenerative diseases that increase with their age. In Sunggal Di...
The causes of diseases in the elderly come from within the body (endogenous), as this occurs due to ...
Lack of knowledge of the elderly in maintaining health in facing old age causes many health problems...
Efforts to reduce morbidity in the elderly are preventive and promotive efforts that excite the spir...
Elderly or commonly known as elderly is a process of growth and development, so efforts to maintain ...
Old age is a natural process experienced by both men and women who have reached the age of 60 years ...
Health education is the educational activities carried out by way of conveying a message, put faith,...
Improving the level of public health can be started by increasing sufficient knowledge about healthy...
Background: The older people get, the more elderly people who experience health complaints. The elde...
The process of aging and old age is a natural process for everyone. Increasing age can put you at ri...
Background: The implementation of health service activities in the community during the pandemic was...
An increasing number of elderly people will have an impact on the socioeconomic well in the family, ...
Background: At the time of the elderly, people suffered various setbacks that affect the function an...
Increasing the number of elderly population is one indicator of development success as well as a cha...
Elderly people are at risk of developing degenerative diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus. D...
Elderly people have susceptible to degenerative diseases that increase with their age. In Sunggal Di...
The causes of diseases in the elderly come from within the body (endogenous), as this occurs due to ...
Lack of knowledge of the elderly in maintaining health in facing old age causes many health problems...
Efforts to reduce morbidity in the elderly are preventive and promotive efforts that excite the spir...
Elderly or commonly known as elderly is a process of growth and development, so efforts to maintain ...
Old age is a natural process experienced by both men and women who have reached the age of 60 years ...
Health education is the educational activities carried out by way of conveying a message, put faith,...
Improving the level of public health can be started by increasing sufficient knowledge about healthy...
Background: The older people get, the more elderly people who experience health complaints. The elde...
The process of aging and old age is a natural process for everyone. Increasing age can put you at ri...
Background: The implementation of health service activities in the community during the pandemic was...
An increasing number of elderly people will have an impact on the socioeconomic well in the family, ...
Background: At the time of the elderly, people suffered various setbacks that affect the function an...
Increasing the number of elderly population is one indicator of development success as well as a cha...
Elderly people are at risk of developing degenerative diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus. D...