This paper found that there is intertextuality in Ibn Kathir's Work, Al-Qur’an Al-Azim. When Ibn Katsir interpret Sab 'samawat in seven surahs, Qs. Al-Baqarah: 29, al-Isra ': 44, al-Mu'minun: 86, Fussilat: 12, at -Talaq: 12, al-Mulk: 3, and N h: 15, his interpretation has a correlation with previous texts. Related interpretations contained in the Al-Jami 'Li Ahkam al-Qur'an by Qurthubi, Jami' al bayan an ta'wil ay al-Quran by Thabari , and Ibn Mas'ud's exegesis. Furthermore, Al-Qur'an's Al-Azim's work, as a phenotext, has a lot of similarity with The Book of Enoch, as its genotext. The similarity is found in three points. First, the sky consists of seven layers, some of which are above the others. Second, every sky inhabit by the angels. T...