Lysogeny and Use of Mycobacteriophage Pita2

  • Behling, Eleanor
  • Leontis, Neocles B.
  • Zeilstra-Ryalls, Jill
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Publication date
May 2020


The CDC has classified antibiotic resistance as the biggest health challenge of our era; every year 2 million lives are impacted and even lost due to resistant bacteria. Bacteriophages provide an alternative route to fighting infections that does not further the development of antibiotic resistance among bacterial species. A bacteriophage replicates inside a bacterial cell and then causes that cell to lyse, an event that kills the bacterial host. However, some phage can integrate their genomes into the host chromosome without causing lysis. The HHMI SEA-PHAGES program has generated a collection of bacteriophage that infect Actinobacteria species. Over 13,000 phages have been collected thus far, but fewer than 3,000 have been sequenced and g...

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