Az első világháború felé vezető út

  • Szávai, Ferenc
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Publication date
February 2014
Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Kaposvári Campus, felelős kiadó: Vörös Péter


On the Road to World War I The present paper discusses the Hungarian political and economic elite’s relationship to the Balkans during the Dualist Era. The suppressed conflicts came to surface in the Balkan wars of 1912/13 which, however, could still be handled at the international level. The Hungarian political elite of the period and the Austrian foreign policy had a responsibility in the outbreak of the First World War which has ultimately led to the downfall of three empires: the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, the Russian Empire and the Turkish Empire. The new territorial arrangement impacted property law and debt as well.On the Road to World War I The present paper discusses the Hungarian political and economic elite’s relationship to the ...

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