[cat] En les dècades posteriors a la Revolució Mexicana (1910-1917) es creà un fort lligam entre art i política, connexió que afectà a totes les manifestacions culturals. Si bé la més estudiada d’aquestes propostes ha estat el Muralisme; la fotografia, les arts gràfiques i la premsa es convertiren en mitjans per exposar les injustícies socials i els ideals polítics. Una necessària revisió historiogràfica analitza i valora l’obra de dones artistes que treballen des d’aquestes tècniques i aquest posicionament, en un moment en què les primeres reivindicacions feministes topen amb les dificultats d’un moviment cultural molt masculinitzat com ha estat l’anomenat renaixement mexicà.[eng] The Mexican Revolution (1910-1917) created a strong ...
Abstract This article presents elements for understanding past and present Mexican mural art as an i...
As I was trying to suggest in this text, the cultural value of mural production is political in the ...
Art and La Revolución Mexicana (1910-1920) The development of Mexican art and culture from the begin...
During the 19th and 20th centuries, the artistic representation of the national identity of Mexicans...
El muralismo mexicano es una corriente pictórica que nació en la posrevolución. Esta corrien...
The development of Mexican art and culture from the beginning of the last century was intertwined wi...
El muralismo mexicano, amén de ser un movimiento artístico de alto alcance, significó un llamado urg...
Entender a 1917 en su contexto histórico, no es solo remitirnos a la modificación de la Constitución...
Entender a 1917 en su contexto histórico, no es solo remitirnos a la modificación de la Constitución...
The mural was, in the Twentieth century, considered the most socially engaged style of painting. Mex...
Many studies have been made of the 'Mexican Mural Renaissance', but these generally have not provid...
Mexico\u2019s Muralist Movement remains one of the most vital and fascinating chapters in the countr...
Los tres grandes were the leading members of the Mexican Mural Renaissance, a government sponsored p...
Le muralisme mexicain des années 1920-1940 est un mouvement artistique avant-gardiste pour lequel po...
Art and La Revolución Mexicana (1910-1920) The development of Mexican art and culture from the begi...
Abstract This article presents elements for understanding past and present Mexican mural art as an i...
As I was trying to suggest in this text, the cultural value of mural production is political in the ...
Art and La Revolución Mexicana (1910-1920) The development of Mexican art and culture from the begin...
During the 19th and 20th centuries, the artistic representation of the national identity of Mexicans...
El muralismo mexicano es una corriente pictórica que nació en la posrevolución. Esta corrien...
The development of Mexican art and culture from the beginning of the last century was intertwined wi...
El muralismo mexicano, amén de ser un movimiento artístico de alto alcance, significó un llamado urg...
Entender a 1917 en su contexto histórico, no es solo remitirnos a la modificación de la Constitución...
Entender a 1917 en su contexto histórico, no es solo remitirnos a la modificación de la Constitución...
The mural was, in the Twentieth century, considered the most socially engaged style of painting. Mex...
Many studies have been made of the 'Mexican Mural Renaissance', but these generally have not provid...
Mexico\u2019s Muralist Movement remains one of the most vital and fascinating chapters in the countr...
Los tres grandes were the leading members of the Mexican Mural Renaissance, a government sponsored p...
Le muralisme mexicain des années 1920-1940 est un mouvement artistique avant-gardiste pour lequel po...
Art and La Revolución Mexicana (1910-1920) The development of Mexican art and culture from the begi...
Abstract This article presents elements for understanding past and present Mexican mural art as an i...
As I was trying to suggest in this text, the cultural value of mural production is political in the ...
Art and La Revolución Mexicana (1910-1920) The development of Mexican art and culture from the begin...