Acknowledgement of large number of Hetch-Hetchy photos. of my taking for him to use in trying to save the valley to the publicMartinez, Nov. 4, 1907Dear Mr Lukens;Many thanks for the fine lot of Hetch Hetchy photos all of which I\u27ll need by & by in my Yosemite book & in this fight. Here is a copy of the Sierra Club resolutions which you may get published & noticed in some of your good papers. Also you will find a short article of mine on H. H. & the reservoir scheme in The Outlook for Nov. 2d just published which you might get reviewed - & thus help to make the salvation of our charming Tuolumne Yosemite sure-. Also get as many nature lovers as possible to write to the Sec. of the Interior or the President protesting against its destru...