Disponibilidade de fósforo em fosfatos de rocha em comparação à de fosfatos bicálcicos para suínos

  • Souza, Luiz Waldemar de Oliveira
  • Moretti, Anibal de Sant'Anna
  • Tucci, Fernanda Marcussi
  • Souza, Nedilse Helena de
  • Leal, Paulo Ademar Martins
  • Anzai, Nelson Haruo
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Publication date
June 2020
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia


One hundred ninety two swine were used in a trial to assess the relative bioavailability of phosphorus (RBP) in six phosphate sources. Phosphates were three feed grade phosphates (FP), two made in Brasil, and one USA made, and three rock phosphate samples (RP) originated from two mines sites in Brasil, and one mine site in Israel. Levels of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine in RP were 29, 12 and 1.7% (RP source 1), 33, 14 and 1.4% (RP source 2), and 30, 14 and 3.6% (RP source 3), respectively. Pigs were fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet (18% CP, 0.95% Lys, 0.75% Ca, 0.37% P) or the basal diet with 0.15% P from a standard purified grade calcium phosphate (SP), or with 0.15% P from experimental FP or RP. Each diet was fed to six pen replicate...

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