Topic of this thesis is the legal aspects of business cooperation between the European Union and Canada with a focus on the international investments and the investment environment between these entities. The thesis is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter is the theoretical introduction to the issue of international investments. The second chapter provides an overview of individual types of international investment contracts with examples, and at the same time is devoted to the various mechanisms of international investment dispute resolution. The practical third chapter analyzes the CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, of the other par...
1 The Influence of EU Common Investment Policy on the System of International Investment Law Abstrac...
Vztah mezinárodních dohod o ochraně investic a práva EU si v posledních letech vysloužil zvýšenou po...
1 Abstract This dissertation deals with investment protection in the European Union from several poi...
This paper studies the importance of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement in the context o...
Exclusion of the application of bilateral investment treaties between EU Member States under interna...
Snaha EU a Kanady posílit vzájemné obchodní vztahy vyústila v Komplexní hospodářskou a obchodní doho...
Jednou ze změn, které s sebou přinesla Lisabonská smlouva, je výslovné zařazení přímých zahraničních...
V diplomskem delu je bolj podrobno opisan trgovinski sporazum med Evropsko Unijo in Kanado, ki ga s ...
Cílem této práce je zmapovat současnou spolupráci Evropské unie a Kanady a její budoucí vývoj a odpo...
In today's world of international economic integration, foreign investment is an important element o...
Diplomsko delo analizira Celovit gospodarski in trgovinski sporazum med EU in Kanado (CETA). Avtor n...
Foreign Investment Protection One of the signs of globalization is the flow of foreign investment, w...
This thesis is dedicated to the issue of economic relations between European Union and Canada. It de...
Resolving investment disputes from the perspective of case-law of international arbitration courts T...
V diplomskem delu smo analizirali sodelovanje med Evropsko unijo (EU) in ZDA ter EU in Kanado, ki je...
1 The Influence of EU Common Investment Policy on the System of International Investment Law Abstrac...
Vztah mezinárodních dohod o ochraně investic a práva EU si v posledních letech vysloužil zvýšenou po...
1 Abstract This dissertation deals with investment protection in the European Union from several poi...
This paper studies the importance of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement in the context o...
Exclusion of the application of bilateral investment treaties between EU Member States under interna...
Snaha EU a Kanady posílit vzájemné obchodní vztahy vyústila v Komplexní hospodářskou a obchodní doho...
Jednou ze změn, které s sebou přinesla Lisabonská smlouva, je výslovné zařazení přímých zahraničních...
V diplomskem delu je bolj podrobno opisan trgovinski sporazum med Evropsko Unijo in Kanado, ki ga s ...
Cílem této práce je zmapovat současnou spolupráci Evropské unie a Kanady a její budoucí vývoj a odpo...
In today's world of international economic integration, foreign investment is an important element o...
Diplomsko delo analizira Celovit gospodarski in trgovinski sporazum med EU in Kanado (CETA). Avtor n...
Foreign Investment Protection One of the signs of globalization is the flow of foreign investment, w...
This thesis is dedicated to the issue of economic relations between European Union and Canada. It de...
Resolving investment disputes from the perspective of case-law of international arbitration courts T...
V diplomskem delu smo analizirali sodelovanje med Evropsko unijo (EU) in ZDA ter EU in Kanado, ki je...
1 The Influence of EU Common Investment Policy on the System of International Investment Law Abstrac...
Vztah mezinárodních dohod o ochraně investic a práva EU si v posledních letech vysloužil zvýšenou po...
1 Abstract This dissertation deals with investment protection in the European Union from several poi...