Bukovača je gljiva koja u prirodi raste većinom na drvetu kestena ili bukve dok se intenzivno uzgaja različitim vrstama supstrata. Cilj rada bio je ustanoviti razliku u plodonošenju gljiva bukovača uzgojenih na tri vrste supstrata. U radu su korištena tri supstrata koji su napravljeni od pšenične, zobene slame te piljevine i slame. Rezultati su pokazali da je najranije plodonošenje bilo ranije na supstratu od pšenične slame, nekoliko dana kasnije na zobenoj dok je na supstratu od slame i piljevine bitno kasnilo. U pogledu veličine plodova razlike između supstrata nisu ustanovljene.Oyster mushroom is a mushroom that grows naturally on chestnut or beech wood while it's intensively growing is on various substrates. The goal of the paper was to...
Dry areas are vulnerable to climate change and are commonly hit by drought, which makes the inhabita...
Uzgoj gljiva na lignoceluloznim ostatcima predstavlja jedan od ekonomski najisplativijih procesa re...
The oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is an edible mushroom that belongs to the class of Basidio...
Bukovača je gljiva koja u prirodi raste većinom na drvetu kestena ili bukve dok se intenzivno uzgaja...
Production of oyster mushroom has been intensified for the last two decades and it is developing fur...
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je prikazati sve bitne uvjete za uzgoj gljive bukovače kako bi se proi...
Abstract: The research experiment was carried out to investigate the cultivation of Oyster mushroom ...
The article presents the results of research in the field of the application of new organizational a...
Biokompozit je podvrsta prirodnog kompozita koji je načinjen od prirodne matrice, biomase, i prirodn...
Otpad nastao preradom bukve (lat. Fagus sylvatica) jedna je od lignoceluloznih sirovina na kojima se...
The objectives of this study are to select the best substrate that supports the growth of mushroom a...
Substrate is one type of the major factors affecting the yield and quality of oyster mushroom (Pleur...
Production of oyster mushroom has been intensified for the last two decades and it is developing fur...
The oyster mushroom (Pleurotus florida) is one of the cultivated edible mushrooms and has certain me...
Gljiva bukovača je široko uzgaja u cijelom svijetu. Značajna je po bogatom sadržaju bjelančevina, ma...
Dry areas are vulnerable to climate change and are commonly hit by drought, which makes the inhabita...
Uzgoj gljiva na lignoceluloznim ostatcima predstavlja jedan od ekonomski najisplativijih procesa re...
The oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is an edible mushroom that belongs to the class of Basidio...
Bukovača je gljiva koja u prirodi raste većinom na drvetu kestena ili bukve dok se intenzivno uzgaja...
Production of oyster mushroom has been intensified for the last two decades and it is developing fur...
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je prikazati sve bitne uvjete za uzgoj gljive bukovače kako bi se proi...
Abstract: The research experiment was carried out to investigate the cultivation of Oyster mushroom ...
The article presents the results of research in the field of the application of new organizational a...
Biokompozit je podvrsta prirodnog kompozita koji je načinjen od prirodne matrice, biomase, i prirodn...
Otpad nastao preradom bukve (lat. Fagus sylvatica) jedna je od lignoceluloznih sirovina na kojima se...
The objectives of this study are to select the best substrate that supports the growth of mushroom a...
Substrate is one type of the major factors affecting the yield and quality of oyster mushroom (Pleur...
Production of oyster mushroom has been intensified for the last two decades and it is developing fur...
The oyster mushroom (Pleurotus florida) is one of the cultivated edible mushrooms and has certain me...
Gljiva bukovača je široko uzgaja u cijelom svijetu. Značajna je po bogatom sadržaju bjelančevina, ma...
Dry areas are vulnerable to climate change and are commonly hit by drought, which makes the inhabita...
Uzgoj gljiva na lignoceluloznim ostatcima predstavlja jedan od ekonomski najisplativijih procesa re...
The oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is an edible mushroom that belongs to the class of Basidio...