In this paper, we develop a novel idea of multilinear cryptosystem using nilpotent group identities
Abstract. Multilinear maps have many cryptographic applications. The first candidate construction of...
Non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems are fundamental primitives used in many cryptogr...
This book is about relations between three different areas of mathematics and theoretical computer s...
In this paper, we develop a novel idea of multilinear cryptosystem using nilpotent group identities
In Kahrobaei et al. [Multilinear cryptography using nilpotent groups, Proceedings of Elementary Theo...
To any nilpotent group of class n, one can associate a non-interactive key exchange protocol between...
Constructing multilinear maps has been long-standing open problem, before recently the rst construct...
We present an efficient algorithm to compute a discrete logarithm in a finite nilpotent group, or mo...
Abstract. In the last few years, cryptographic multilinear maps have proved their tremendous potenti...
We describe the theoretical concept of multilinear maps and its practical real- ization using new co...
Abstract. We describe a polynomial-time cryptanalysis of the (approximate) multilinear map of Coron,...
International audienceWe provide constructions of multilinear groups equipped with natural hard prob...
La cryptographie multivariable est un domaine de recherche prometteur en cryptologie. Nous exposons ...
We analyze and critique the public-key cryptosystem, based on combinatorial group theory, that was ...
Abstract. Multilinear maps have many cryptographic applications. The first candidate construction of...
Non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems are fundamental primitives used in many cryptogr...
This book is about relations between three different areas of mathematics and theoretical computer s...
In this paper, we develop a novel idea of multilinear cryptosystem using nilpotent group identities
In Kahrobaei et al. [Multilinear cryptography using nilpotent groups, Proceedings of Elementary Theo...
To any nilpotent group of class n, one can associate a non-interactive key exchange protocol between...
Constructing multilinear maps has been long-standing open problem, before recently the rst construct...
We present an efficient algorithm to compute a discrete logarithm in a finite nilpotent group, or mo...
Abstract. In the last few years, cryptographic multilinear maps have proved their tremendous potenti...
We describe the theoretical concept of multilinear maps and its practical real- ization using new co...
Abstract. We describe a polynomial-time cryptanalysis of the (approximate) multilinear map of Coron,...
International audienceWe provide constructions of multilinear groups equipped with natural hard prob...
La cryptographie multivariable est un domaine de recherche prometteur en cryptologie. Nous exposons ...
We analyze and critique the public-key cryptosystem, based on combinatorial group theory, that was ...
Abstract. Multilinear maps have many cryptographic applications. The first candidate construction of...
Non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems are fundamental primitives used in many cryptogr...
This book is about relations between three different areas of mathematics and theoretical computer s...