“A Family’s Treasure” is a 2D short animation that talks about a greedy and materialistic daughter who wants to buy everything she wants for herself but depending on her father for the money. The aim of this film is to communicate a critic on materialism equating to our level of happiness in today’s addictive consumerism society. This report serves to document my thoughts and processes in creating this film from preproduction to production.Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Animatio
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
A stop motion animation about a little girl who falls into a world of anxiety after her father leave...
Water Ring Toss is a 2D animated film that aims to capture the emotions surrounding a childhood memo...
“A Family’s Treasure” is a 2D short animation that talks about a greedy and materialistic daughter w...
The Sky Painter is a short animated film about a grandfather learning to treasure his granddaughter....
Family Dinner is a 2D-animated short film that digs humour at role reversal in the family. Househusb...
This work follows a family animation feature film. A reader will know sequencial progression of a fa...
Heirlooms is a beautifully crafted animated documentary series that artfully explores the relationsh...
“Affinity” is a one minute and thirty five seconds (excluding credits) experimental animation short....
“All Things Unholy” is a short animated film which follows a single mother, Sage, trying to raise th...
Family Dinner is a 2D animated short film produced as a Final Year Project. In this report, the conc...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
Where Do All the Lost Things Go is a short animation film that explores a child's imagination where ...
Our project is a short animation about an old woman who manages to reunite with her long lost lover ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
A stop motion animation about a little girl who falls into a world of anxiety after her father leave...
Water Ring Toss is a 2D animated film that aims to capture the emotions surrounding a childhood memo...
“A Family’s Treasure” is a 2D short animation that talks about a greedy and materialistic daughter w...
The Sky Painter is a short animated film about a grandfather learning to treasure his granddaughter....
Family Dinner is a 2D-animated short film that digs humour at role reversal in the family. Househusb...
This work follows a family animation feature film. A reader will know sequencial progression of a fa...
Heirlooms is a beautifully crafted animated documentary series that artfully explores the relationsh...
“Affinity” is a one minute and thirty five seconds (excluding credits) experimental animation short....
“All Things Unholy” is a short animated film which follows a single mother, Sage, trying to raise th...
Family Dinner is a 2D animated short film produced as a Final Year Project. In this report, the conc...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
Where Do All the Lost Things Go is a short animation film that explores a child's imagination where ...
Our project is a short animation about an old woman who manages to reunite with her long lost lover ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
A stop motion animation about a little girl who falls into a world of anxiety after her father leave...
Water Ring Toss is a 2D animated film that aims to capture the emotions surrounding a childhood memo...