White Paper of the DSD [Dryland Science for Development Consortium] Working Group 3. Partenaires : Association of DesertNet International ; United Nations University – Institute for Water, Environment and Health ; Dryland Science for Development Consortium.International audienceInadequate access to data and its harmonisation and dissemination, institutional constraints, and insufficient public finances all limit local and national capacities to monitor and assess desertification and land degradation. Furthermore, monitoring and assessment is often hindered by a lack of inter-departmental and sectoral communication and insufficient information on the costs associated with prevention and reversal of land degradation. This White Paper identifi...
Indicator-based approaches are often used to monitor land degradation and desertification from the g...
Land degradation which is caused by multiple forces-extreme weather conditions and anthropogenic act...
The Global Drylands Observing System proposed in this issue should reduce the huge uncertainty about...
White Paper of the DSD Working Group 3. Association of DesertNet International ; United Nations Univ...
Inadequate access to data and its harmonisation and dissemination, institutional constraints, and in...
The White Paper is a review of leading scientific knowledge on the role of knowledge management, ins...
The implementation of the UNCCD needs agreed, scientifically sound and practical methodologies for m...
The implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) needs agreed, ...
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) commissioned its First Scientific Co...
Traditionally, desertification research has focused on degradation assessments, whereas prevention a...
Land degradation has not been comprehensively addressed at the global level or in developing countri...
The need for improved horizontal knowledge management at the national and international levels is es...
This paper suggests how the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) community ca...
Desertification is defined as land degradation occurring in the global drylands. It is one of the gl...
International audienceIndicator-based approaches are often used to monitor land degradation and dese...
Indicator-based approaches are often used to monitor land degradation and desertification from the g...
Land degradation which is caused by multiple forces-extreme weather conditions and anthropogenic act...
The Global Drylands Observing System proposed in this issue should reduce the huge uncertainty about...
White Paper of the DSD Working Group 3. Association of DesertNet International ; United Nations Univ...
Inadequate access to data and its harmonisation and dissemination, institutional constraints, and in...
The White Paper is a review of leading scientific knowledge on the role of knowledge management, ins...
The implementation of the UNCCD needs agreed, scientifically sound and practical methodologies for m...
The implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) needs agreed, ...
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) commissioned its First Scientific Co...
Traditionally, desertification research has focused on degradation assessments, whereas prevention a...
Land degradation has not been comprehensively addressed at the global level or in developing countri...
The need for improved horizontal knowledge management at the national and international levels is es...
This paper suggests how the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) community ca...
Desertification is defined as land degradation occurring in the global drylands. It is one of the gl...
International audienceIndicator-based approaches are often used to monitor land degradation and dese...
Indicator-based approaches are often used to monitor land degradation and desertification from the g...
Land degradation which is caused by multiple forces-extreme weather conditions and anthropogenic act...
The Global Drylands Observing System proposed in this issue should reduce the huge uncertainty about...