[Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]RURAMEN / AMANDEIn France, more than 60 % of municipal sewage sludges are spread in agriculture. This option asserted politically at the national level and at the European level stays the object of numerous debates. Our contribution aims at showing the conditions for continuing the spreading of sewage sludges in agriculture. We analyze service supply organization of sludge spreading from farmers. We also study the possible interactions between sewage sludge spreading and agricultural production under quality signs.En France, plus de 60 % des boues de stations d'épuration municipales sont valorisées en agriculture. Cette option affirmée politiquement au niveau national et au niveau européen reste l'objet de...
International audienceL’alimentation en eau et la protection des milieux aquatiques sont confrontées...
Agricultural Management of Nitrogen Surpluses and Implicit in Pollution Rights Market: Application ...
International audienceSince the 1990s, despite the existence of measures to protect the quality of w...
[Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]RURAMEN / AMANDEIn France, more than 60 % of municipal sewage slu...
[Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]RURAMEN / AMANDEInternational audienceThe continued spreading of ...
The use of sludge from urban waste water treatment plants for agricultural applications offers a sui...
The quantity of sewage sludge requiring disposal has been for several years increasing greatly in Eu...
The history of urban sewage sludge, a matter of much confusion and mobilization, illustrates the imp...
The history of urban sewage sludge, a matter of much confusion and mobilization, illustrates the imp...
International audienceThe Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) aims to encourage the u...
Une des singularités de la gestion des eaux usées urbaines en Île de France réside dans la valorisat...
L’alimentation en eau et la protection des milieux aquatiques sont confrontées aux pollutions diffus...
La thèse étudie la genèse, l installation progressive et, plus récemment, les remises en cause multi...
Farming has always been a source of pollution for water. This link has been reinforced by establishi...
In Drechsel, Pay; Scott, C. A.; Raschid-Sally, Liqa; Redwood, M.; Bahri, Akissa. L?irrigation avec d...
International audienceL’alimentation en eau et la protection des milieux aquatiques sont confrontées...
Agricultural Management of Nitrogen Surpluses and Implicit in Pollution Rights Market: Application ...
International audienceSince the 1990s, despite the existence of measures to protect the quality of w...
[Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]RURAMEN / AMANDEIn France, more than 60 % of municipal sewage slu...
[Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]RURAMEN / AMANDEInternational audienceThe continued spreading of ...
The use of sludge from urban waste water treatment plants for agricultural applications offers a sui...
The quantity of sewage sludge requiring disposal has been for several years increasing greatly in Eu...
The history of urban sewage sludge, a matter of much confusion and mobilization, illustrates the imp...
The history of urban sewage sludge, a matter of much confusion and mobilization, illustrates the imp...
International audienceThe Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) aims to encourage the u...
Une des singularités de la gestion des eaux usées urbaines en Île de France réside dans la valorisat...
L’alimentation en eau et la protection des milieux aquatiques sont confrontées aux pollutions diffus...
La thèse étudie la genèse, l installation progressive et, plus récemment, les remises en cause multi...
Farming has always been a source of pollution for water. This link has been reinforced by establishi...
In Drechsel, Pay; Scott, C. A.; Raschid-Sally, Liqa; Redwood, M.; Bahri, Akissa. L?irrigation avec d...
International audienceL’alimentation en eau et la protection des milieux aquatiques sont confrontées...
Agricultural Management of Nitrogen Surpluses and Implicit in Pollution Rights Market: Application ...
International audienceSince the 1990s, despite the existence of measures to protect the quality of w...