Word problems are widely used in math instruction to convey arithmetic operations within the context of everyday situations. Although they require solving an arithmetic problem, there is only little research regarding influences of basic numerical processes on the difficulty of arithmetic word problems. Therefore, the present study set out to investigate influences of place-value and magnitude processing as reflected by the carry/borrowing and the problem size effect. Accordingly, we assessed 128 children between 8 and 11 years of age on two-digit addition and subtraction problems presented in both word problem and digital-Arabic formats. Our results indicated that word problems were more difficult to solve. Closer inspection of basic numer...
Specific language influences have been observed in basic numerical tasks such as magnitude compariso...
Although numerical magnitude processing has been related to individual differences in arithmetic, it...
This study examined whether and, if so, how word-problem features differentially affect problem diff...
Adults’ simple arithmetic performance is more efficient when operands are presented in Arabic digit ...
Solving arithmetic word problems requires constructing a situation model based on the problem text a...
Poster Session 10: Board no. 10-040The present study found that children’s difficulties in solving a...
Word problems are difficult. Although children eventually master computational skills, problem solvi...
Based on evidence indicating that young children reason more maturely about smaller ($\leq$5) than l...
There is considerable evidence that surface form of arithmetic problems influences calculation perfo...
Investigated how children cope with some of the demands imposed on them by arithmetic word problems ...
Arithmetic word problems include various scenarios, some of them corresponding to real life situatio...
Analyzed the responses of 116 Flemish 6th graders on a test containing 1-step multiplication and div...
A sample of 84 Grade 6 students from a Canadian west coast city were adminisbed a set of 80 arithmet...
A variety of empirical evidence suggests the existence of a relationship between individual differen...
Although numerical magnitude processing has been related to individual differences in arithmetic, it...
Specific language influences have been observed in basic numerical tasks such as magnitude compariso...
Although numerical magnitude processing has been related to individual differences in arithmetic, it...
This study examined whether and, if so, how word-problem features differentially affect problem diff...
Adults’ simple arithmetic performance is more efficient when operands are presented in Arabic digit ...
Solving arithmetic word problems requires constructing a situation model based on the problem text a...
Poster Session 10: Board no. 10-040The present study found that children’s difficulties in solving a...
Word problems are difficult. Although children eventually master computational skills, problem solvi...
Based on evidence indicating that young children reason more maturely about smaller ($\leq$5) than l...
There is considerable evidence that surface form of arithmetic problems influences calculation perfo...
Investigated how children cope with some of the demands imposed on them by arithmetic word problems ...
Arithmetic word problems include various scenarios, some of them corresponding to real life situatio...
Analyzed the responses of 116 Flemish 6th graders on a test containing 1-step multiplication and div...
A sample of 84 Grade 6 students from a Canadian west coast city were adminisbed a set of 80 arithmet...
A variety of empirical evidence suggests the existence of a relationship between individual differen...
Although numerical magnitude processing has been related to individual differences in arithmetic, it...
Specific language influences have been observed in basic numerical tasks such as magnitude compariso...
Although numerical magnitude processing has been related to individual differences in arithmetic, it...
This study examined whether and, if so, how word-problem features differentially affect problem diff...