Unlike other Yoruboid languages, Igálà uses a double negation syntax which combines two independent but mutually obligatory elements to generate a single semantic unit of negation. Apart from providing a description of Igálà negatio nsystem, this paper, relying on instruments of minimalist grammar as propounded in Chomsky (1995, 1998, 2002), argues for a negative clause projection in which there are two separate but interdependent Neg projections – NegP1 and NegP2 - such that Negº2 takes NegP1 as complement to project NegP2. Spell-out constituent ordering derives from Negº2 ń/nóò attracting NegP1 to Spec-NegP2 resulting in the word order where Negº2 obligatorily ends negative clause expressions in Igálà. This grammar structurally predicts t...