Abstrak. Kepulauan Maluku senantiasa melekat dengan peran sebagai kawasan sumber komoditi eksotik seperti cengkeh dan pala. Nilai tinggi rempah sebagai komoditi telah mendorong Maluku ke dalam kontak dan interaksi dengan dunia luar semenjak berabad silam dan membentuk suatu kawasan niaga yang dinamis pada masa itu. Kondisi ini mencapai puncaknya menyusul kedatangan orang-orang Eropa yang kemudian menetapkan hegemoni mereka atas aktivitas perdagangan rempah di wilayah ini sebagaimana tergambar dalam dominasi Belanda secara historis. Laut Banda dan Laut Arafura menjadi dua kawasan sentral dalam aktivitas niaga masa lalu di Kepulauan Maluku. Peran yang sama masih ditemukan hingga saat ini. Makalah ini mencoba meninjau peran wilayah Maluku dala...
In the early period of the spice trade, Makian Island Moti Island are the main source in the product...
In the early period of the spice trade, Makian Island Moti Island are the main source in the product...
In the early period of the spice trade, Makian Island Moti Island are the main source in the product...
Abstrak. Kepulauan Maluku senantiasa melekat dengan peran sebagai kawasan sumber komoditi eksotik se...
Abstrak. Sejarah telah mencatat peran penting Kepulauan Maluku dalam jejaring perdagangan internasio...
The involvement of the Moluccan in the International trade and the interaction with the foreign trad...
Until the 18th century the spice is a tremendous appeal to the international community. No exception...
Abstrak. Jaringan perdagangan masa lampau menempatkan rempah-rempah sebagai komoditi utama. Dalam ko...
AbstrakKeterlibatan Orang Maluku dalam percaturan perdagangan internasional dan perjumpaan dengan be...
Mace Producer or recognized with term spice island, Moluccas become Europe nations capture. Initiall...
Nusantara maritime trade has developed rapidly in the mid-sixteenth century to the end of the sevent...
Nusantara maritime trade has developed rapidly in the mid-sixteenth century to the end of the sevent...
Nusantara maritime trade has developed rapidly in the mid-sixteenth century to the end of the sevent...
Famous Moluccas Archipelago as its heaven is mace, this matter cause commers activity in this archip...
In numbers of colonial archaeological research conducted by Balai Arkeologi Ambon, fort has been ide...
In the early period of the spice trade, Makian Island Moti Island are the main source in the product...
In the early period of the spice trade, Makian Island Moti Island are the main source in the product...
In the early period of the spice trade, Makian Island Moti Island are the main source in the product...
Abstrak. Kepulauan Maluku senantiasa melekat dengan peran sebagai kawasan sumber komoditi eksotik se...
Abstrak. Sejarah telah mencatat peran penting Kepulauan Maluku dalam jejaring perdagangan internasio...
The involvement of the Moluccan in the International trade and the interaction with the foreign trad...
Until the 18th century the spice is a tremendous appeal to the international community. No exception...
Abstrak. Jaringan perdagangan masa lampau menempatkan rempah-rempah sebagai komoditi utama. Dalam ko...
AbstrakKeterlibatan Orang Maluku dalam percaturan perdagangan internasional dan perjumpaan dengan be...
Mace Producer or recognized with term spice island, Moluccas become Europe nations capture. Initiall...
Nusantara maritime trade has developed rapidly in the mid-sixteenth century to the end of the sevent...
Nusantara maritime trade has developed rapidly in the mid-sixteenth century to the end of the sevent...
Nusantara maritime trade has developed rapidly in the mid-sixteenth century to the end of the sevent...
Famous Moluccas Archipelago as its heaven is mace, this matter cause commers activity in this archip...
In numbers of colonial archaeological research conducted by Balai Arkeologi Ambon, fort has been ide...
In the early period of the spice trade, Makian Island Moti Island are the main source in the product...
In the early period of the spice trade, Makian Island Moti Island are the main source in the product...
In the early period of the spice trade, Makian Island Moti Island are the main source in the product...