In dieser Arbeit diskutieren wir kosmologische Modelle in denen ein skalares Quintessenz Feld die dunkle Energie im Universum beschreibt. Nach einer kurzen Einf\"uhrung in die bekannte Kosmologie erweitern wir unsere Analyse und diskutieren St\"orungsrechnung in der Allgemeinen Relativit\"atstheorie. Wir leiten 'Isocurvature' Anfangsbedingungen f\"ur die primordialen Fluktuationen her. Im Falle von 'tracking quintessence' gibt es keine zus\"atzliche Isocurvature Mode durch das Quintessenz Feld. Weiterhin diskutieren wir den Einfluss von 'fr\"uher Quintessenz' auf das CMB Spektrum und ver\-gleichen dies mit den Daten des WMAP Satelliten. Schliesslich untersuchen wir die Folgen einer Ver\"anderung der fundamentalen Konstanten auf die Vorh...
We analyze the evolution of energy density fluctuations in cosmological scenarios with a mixture of ...
Understanding the cause of the observed accelerating expansion of the universe is one of the most pr...
The equation of state of the hypothetical dark energy component, which constitutes about two thirds ...
We study cosmological models with quintessence, a form of energy that is dis- tributed almost homoge...
The cosmological constant problem motivates alternative approaches for explaining the observed accel...
Wir diskutieren die Entwicklung und Effekte von Quintessenzfluktuationen in einem FRW und inflation...
In the last twenty years, cosmology has become a precision science. Since the COBE era, a wealth of ...
In this talk we present a model of the universe in which dark energy is modelled explicitely with bo...
I briefly review the cosmological constant problem and the issue of dark energy (or quintessence). W...
We study quintessence cosmologies in the context of scalar-tensor theories of gravity, where a scala...
In this thesis we review data sets available from various SNe groups like SNLS and HSST and utilize ...
We study quintessence cosmologies in the context of scalar-tensor theories of gravity, where a scala...
We present a systematic treatment of the initial conditions and evolution of cosmological perturbati...
We are now entering the era of precision cosmology. Astrophysical and cosmological tests can be done...
Thanks to the quality and variety of recent observations, we are now capable of measuring cosmologic...
We analyze the evolution of energy density fluctuations in cosmological scenarios with a mixture of ...
Understanding the cause of the observed accelerating expansion of the universe is one of the most pr...
The equation of state of the hypothetical dark energy component, which constitutes about two thirds ...
We study cosmological models with quintessence, a form of energy that is dis- tributed almost homoge...
The cosmological constant problem motivates alternative approaches for explaining the observed accel...
Wir diskutieren die Entwicklung und Effekte von Quintessenzfluktuationen in einem FRW und inflation...
In the last twenty years, cosmology has become a precision science. Since the COBE era, a wealth of ...
In this talk we present a model of the universe in which dark energy is modelled explicitely with bo...
I briefly review the cosmological constant problem and the issue of dark energy (or quintessence). W...
We study quintessence cosmologies in the context of scalar-tensor theories of gravity, where a scala...
In this thesis we review data sets available from various SNe groups like SNLS and HSST and utilize ...
We study quintessence cosmologies in the context of scalar-tensor theories of gravity, where a scala...
We present a systematic treatment of the initial conditions and evolution of cosmological perturbati...
We are now entering the era of precision cosmology. Astrophysical and cosmological tests can be done...
Thanks to the quality and variety of recent observations, we are now capable of measuring cosmologic...
We analyze the evolution of energy density fluctuations in cosmological scenarios with a mixture of ...
Understanding the cause of the observed accelerating expansion of the universe is one of the most pr...
The equation of state of the hypothetical dark energy component, which constitutes about two thirds ...