1 POISON-IVY IN UTAH R. J. Shaw and M. C. Williams Conditions seem to favor the spread of this plant, now found in 17 of the state\u27s 29 counties. 7 TRICHOMES: A POTENTIAL DEFENSE AGAINST GRASS BUGS W. F. Campbell and Y. H. Ling Insect-resistant grasses may be a practical method of controlling range pests and serve as the foundation for an integrated system of pest control. 10 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT FOR POTATOES T. W. Helms and J. L. Bushnell Better irrigation scheduling and disease control have markedly cut production costs and improved yields. 14 LIMITING EROSION ON FROZEN GROUND IN NORTHERN UTAH C. A. Lacey and A. R. Southard Terraces alone won\u27t prevent erosion on frozen ground and should be used with other soil conservation pr...