On the basis of literature the authors demonstrate the complexity of diagnostics of diseases of a backbone as in most cases they have neurologic semiology. Besides, long time of an inflammation of a backbone remain X-ray negative. In the article the counsels about timely diagnostics of disease are given.На підставі даних літератури автори показують труднощі діагностики захворювань хребта, оскільки останні маніфестують здебільшого неврологічною симптоматикою. Окрім цього, тривалий час запалення хребта, особливо туберкульозного характеру, залишаються рентгенологічно негативними. Наводяться поради щодо своєчасної діагностики захворювання. // Русск. версия: На основании данных, полученных из литературных источников, авторы демонстрируют сложнос...
New perspective design of axial thrust balancing device of multistage centrifugal machine that perfo...
S.I.Procenko, V.VTokman`, A.M.Chomous Formation of multilayer films structures with a negative therm...
There are developed the approaches to ranging of resources according to the degree of their deficien...
On the basis of literature the authors demonstrate the complexity of diagnostics of diseases of a ba...
The method of increasing fidelity of data transmission, based on combining majority principle of cod...
The socio-cultural factors which determine a low activity of female population in the field of entre...
Considered article is devoted to determining the influence of deformations caused by axial pressure ...
Significance of activation of neurohumonal regulation systems in clinics and treatment of chronic he...
The analytical method of determination of dispersion characteristics of revolving shell is proposed ...
The article deals with the problem of gas-liquid flow separation. The problem solving is suggested ...
In our wok we provide the analyses of economic theories on innovation at micro level. Different type...
The optimal type of the mixer was named and the dependence of the produced composite features on the...
In article has been studies raection of the bone tissue after the trauma by methods of osteometries,...
The article presents the results of research of operation of centrifugal pumps treating the gas – li...
Within the framework of the endogeneous model of science-and-technical progress, the problem of impr...
New perspective design of axial thrust balancing device of multistage centrifugal machine that perfo...
S.I.Procenko, V.VTokman`, A.M.Chomous Formation of multilayer films structures with a negative therm...
There are developed the approaches to ranging of resources according to the degree of their deficien...
On the basis of literature the authors demonstrate the complexity of diagnostics of diseases of a ba...
The method of increasing fidelity of data transmission, based on combining majority principle of cod...
The socio-cultural factors which determine a low activity of female population in the field of entre...
Considered article is devoted to determining the influence of deformations caused by axial pressure ...
Significance of activation of neurohumonal regulation systems in clinics and treatment of chronic he...
The analytical method of determination of dispersion characteristics of revolving shell is proposed ...
The article deals with the problem of gas-liquid flow separation. The problem solving is suggested ...
In our wok we provide the analyses of economic theories on innovation at micro level. Different type...
The optimal type of the mixer was named and the dependence of the produced composite features on the...
In article has been studies raection of the bone tissue after the trauma by methods of osteometries,...
The article presents the results of research of operation of centrifugal pumps treating the gas – li...
Within the framework of the endogeneous model of science-and-technical progress, the problem of impr...
New perspective design of axial thrust balancing device of multistage centrifugal machine that perfo...
S.I.Procenko, V.VTokman`, A.M.Chomous Formation of multilayer films structures with a negative therm...
There are developed the approaches to ranging of resources according to the degree of their deficien...