We are able to understand numbers in various formats. For instance, we can read Arabic numerals (defined as the visual code in the current study) from a book and talk about these numbers (the verbal code). We can use our hands to express a number (the manual code). We can also compare the number of jellybeans in different jars without actually counting them (the semantics). How does the human brain represent these different number codes? Existing findings show that the number codes might be locally represented by unique brain regions. However, different number codes might be tightly connected to each other, e.g., one might be internally saying the number word when seeing an Arabic numeral and this potential integration between number codes ...
SummaryBackgroundNeuropsychology and human functional neuroimaging have implicated human parietal co...
AbstractHow are numerical operations implemented within the human brain? It has been suggested that ...
International audienceBACKGROUND: Neuropsychology and human functional neuroimaging have implicated ...
The ability for students to understand numbers and other mathematical symbols is a crucial part of s...
& This article addresses the representation of numerical information conveyed by nonsymbolic and...
Numerical cognition can take place in multiple representational formats, such as Arabic digits (e.g....
Numerical cognition can take place in multiple representational formats, such as Arabic digits (e.g....
The Triple Code Model (TCM) of numerical cognition argues for the existence of three representationa...
Outstretched fingers can convey the same information as the symbol “5”, but how does our brain repre...
The Triple Code Model (TCM) of numerical cognition argues for the existence of three representationa...
ntroduction: During the last couple of years there has been a boost of neuroimaging research about n...
The ability to work with the symbolic number system, the Arabic numbers, enables humans to perform m...
Numerosity, the set size of a group of items, helps guide human and animals' behavior and decisions....
Both animals and humans are capable of representing and comparing numerical quantities, but only hum...
In recent years, there has been substantial growth in neuroimaging studies investigating neural corr...
SummaryBackgroundNeuropsychology and human functional neuroimaging have implicated human parietal co...
AbstractHow are numerical operations implemented within the human brain? It has been suggested that ...
International audienceBACKGROUND: Neuropsychology and human functional neuroimaging have implicated ...
The ability for students to understand numbers and other mathematical symbols is a crucial part of s...
& This article addresses the representation of numerical information conveyed by nonsymbolic and...
Numerical cognition can take place in multiple representational formats, such as Arabic digits (e.g....
Numerical cognition can take place in multiple representational formats, such as Arabic digits (e.g....
The Triple Code Model (TCM) of numerical cognition argues for the existence of three representationa...
Outstretched fingers can convey the same information as the symbol “5”, but how does our brain repre...
The Triple Code Model (TCM) of numerical cognition argues for the existence of three representationa...
ntroduction: During the last couple of years there has been a boost of neuroimaging research about n...
The ability to work with the symbolic number system, the Arabic numbers, enables humans to perform m...
Numerosity, the set size of a group of items, helps guide human and animals' behavior and decisions....
Both animals and humans are capable of representing and comparing numerical quantities, but only hum...
In recent years, there has been substantial growth in neuroimaging studies investigating neural corr...
SummaryBackgroundNeuropsychology and human functional neuroimaging have implicated human parietal co...
AbstractHow are numerical operations implemented within the human brain? It has been suggested that ...
International audienceBACKGROUND: Neuropsychology and human functional neuroimaging have implicated ...