The objective of this study was to establish the correlation between the size of the wood knots and the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and the compressive strength (Fc) in Eucalyptus wood. 156 Eucalyptus urophylla samples with knots were separated into 3 classes (small, medium and large knots), and samples were selected from the same tree and submitted to the parallel fiber compression test for MOE and Fc determination. There was a significant difference between the MOE and Fc of the smaller knot class (Class 1) and the other classes with larger knots (Classes 2 and 3). In general, the larger the knot, the greater the difference between the MOE and Fc. Wood with small knots (8.31 mm2) presents stiffness and strength statistically equal to wood...
The cellulose microfibril angle (MFA) in the cell wall is known to have major effects on wood stiffn...
The influence of different types of knots and fiber deviations on the bending of wood, as managed us...
In the present study, we aimed to characterize Eucalyptus resinifera wood through physical and mecha...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to establish the correlation between the size of the wood ...
Many traits are known to be important in determining the value of Eucalyptus wood as sawn timber. Th...
Many traits are known to be important in determining the value of Eucalyptus wood as sawn timber.The...
Many traits are known to be important in determining the value of Eucalyptus wood as sawn tim-ber. T...
This research was carried out to investigate the influence of knots on modulus of elasticity and on ...
This research investigates the effect that knots in close proximity have on strength properties of s...
tested in bending to determine modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR). Knots contr...
The cellulose microfibril angle (MFA) in the cell wall is known to have major effects on wood stiffn...
The main objective of Eucalyptus breeding programs for the pulp and paper industry is to produce var...
The durability of wood is affected by several factors. For this reason, much research has been done ...
The durability of wood is affected by several factors. For this reason, much research has been done ...
Nominal 2- by 4-, 6-, 8-, and 10-inch Douglas-fir and hem-fir dimension lumber was tested in tension...
The cellulose microfibril angle (MFA) in the cell wall is known to have major effects on wood stiffn...
The influence of different types of knots and fiber deviations on the bending of wood, as managed us...
In the present study, we aimed to characterize Eucalyptus resinifera wood through physical and mecha...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to establish the correlation between the size of the wood ...
Many traits are known to be important in determining the value of Eucalyptus wood as sawn timber. Th...
Many traits are known to be important in determining the value of Eucalyptus wood as sawn timber.The...
Many traits are known to be important in determining the value of Eucalyptus wood as sawn tim-ber. T...
This research was carried out to investigate the influence of knots on modulus of elasticity and on ...
This research investigates the effect that knots in close proximity have on strength properties of s...
tested in bending to determine modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR). Knots contr...
The cellulose microfibril angle (MFA) in the cell wall is known to have major effects on wood stiffn...
The main objective of Eucalyptus breeding programs for the pulp and paper industry is to produce var...
The durability of wood is affected by several factors. For this reason, much research has been done ...
The durability of wood is affected by several factors. For this reason, much research has been done ...
Nominal 2- by 4-, 6-, 8-, and 10-inch Douglas-fir and hem-fir dimension lumber was tested in tension...
The cellulose microfibril angle (MFA) in the cell wall is known to have major effects on wood stiffn...
The influence of different types of knots and fiber deviations on the bending of wood, as managed us...
In the present study, we aimed to characterize Eucalyptus resinifera wood through physical and mecha...