Source characteristic of 2000 small earthquakes nucleating on the Alto Tiberina fault system (Central Italy)

  • Munafò, Irene
  • Malagnini, Luca
  • Tinti, Elisa
  • Chiaraluce, Lauro
  • Di Stefano, Raffaele
  • Valoroso, Luisa
Publication date
December 2014


The Alto Tiberina Fault (ATF) is a 60 km long east-dipping low-angle normal fault, located in a sector of the Northern Apennines (Italy) undergoing active extension since the Quaternary (Chiaraluce et al. 2007). The ATF has been imaged by analyzing the active source seismic reflection profiles, and the instrumentally recorded persistent background seismicity. The present study is an attempt to separate the contributions of source, site, and crustal attenuation, in order to focus on the mechanics of the ATF, as well as the syn- and antithetic structrure related on the ATF hanging-wall (i.e. Gubbio fault and Umbria Valley fault). In order to compute source spectra, we perform a set of regression over the seismograms of ~ 400 small earth...

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