实用主义从真理发生学及其实际经验兑现价值的角度 ,提出了独特的真理效用论 ;其与传统符合论真理观之间的张力关系 ,反映了双方在本体基础乃至哲学旨趣方面一系列的理论分歧。其中最值得注意的是 ,实用主义对符合论观念背后关于认识的“视觉隐喻”及其所蕴含的“主客二分”思维模式的超越。而导致这一超越的哲学基础 ,在于它实现了本体论假设的转换 ,即由把人作为与世界照面的旁观者的传统观点 ,转换为把人作为在世界中生活实践的探索者From the perspectives of the genetics of truth and the empirical cash value of truth, Pragmatists propose their distinctive pragmatic theory of truth (PTOT). The tension between PTOT and the traditional correspondence theory of truth (CTOT) reflects their theoretical divergences of ontological foundation and philosophical orientation, of which the most noteworthy is the transcendence of Pragmatists beyond the "vision metaphor" and the thinking model of "subject-object division" underlying CTOT. The philosophical basis for such a transc...