当前世界经济目光聚焦越南,不再是为其过去七年高速发展的经济,而是关注其是否会成为第二次亚洲金融危机的导火索。越南当前面临着通货膨胀压力,货币贬值压力,对外贸易赤字,政府财政赤字,楼市股市疲软等危机,政府采取了各种措施防止危机的继续扩大。由于越南经济情况不同于泰国经济危机,并且当前亚洲各国经济实力与1997年相比都增强许多,因此认为不会引发亚洲经济危机的爆发。但越南的经济危机亦对中国有着警示作用。The current world economy's attention focused on Vietnam,no longer for the rapid development of the economy in the past seven years,but for whether it will result in the second Asian financial crisis. Vietnam currently faces inflationary pressure,pressure on the currency devaluation,foreign trade deficit,the fiscal deficit,the stock market crisis. The Government had taken various measures to prevent the crisis continues to expand. As the Vietnamese economic situation in Thailand is different from the economic crisis,Asian countries and the curre...