以厦门岛东海岸区 (黄厝 )生态旅游开发为例 ,提出在生态资源开发、管理过程中 ,实现社区公众有效参与、社区居民的生活水平得到提高的同时 ,达到生态保护目的的保障机制———生态旅游股份合作制。进而就厦门岛东海岸区生态旅游股份合作制运行框架进行了探讨。With the development of eco-tourism along the east coastal region of Xiamen Island as a case for study, a cooperative shares system is put forward for development of eco-tourism as a mechanism to guarantee effective community participation,to improve the living standard of the local residents and to protect the ecology in the processes of exploiting and managing the ecological resources.On such a basis,exploration is made on an operational framework of the cooperative shares system for development of eco-tourism in the east coastal region of Xiamen Island.加拿大国际发展署 (CIDA)资助 ;; 中、加、越 3国 7高校合作开展的CBCM项目(#UPCDTier1ProgramO...