分析了中国零售企业发展过程中存在着整体规模小市场集中度低、缺乏完善的专业物流配送中心物流成本高、品牌建设投入不足缺乏知名度美誉度、信息共享程度低等主要问题,提出了加强零售企业的品牌建设、降低销售成本提高服务质量、与供应商建立战略联盟、优化配送中心提高物流的配送效率、提升信息化水平加强信息流的管理等提高中国零售企业竞争力的相应对策。This article summarises the main problems of the retail enterprises in China,Firstly,their overall size is small and market concentration is low.Secondly,they lack proper professional logistics distribution center and logistics costs is very high.Thirdly,brand-building inputs is insufficient and they must improve their brand name recognition and in the same time,they have a low level of information sharing.Chinese retail enterprises can improve their competitiveness if they can solve these problems by strengthening brand-building,reducing sale costs,improving the quality of ser...