Explores the seemingly contradictory nature of sleep in “Big Two-Hearted River” and “Now I Lay Me,” claiming in the later story that Nick’s insomnia serves as a psychological defense against his traumatic war memories by creating a childhood “screen memory,” purportedly a manifestation of Nick’s repressed fear of emasculation
Examines the multilayered experience of reading by focusing on cognitive, emotive, and ethical const...
Contends that the “indecipherable” nature of “Big Two-Hearted River” is answered through intertextua...
Clark draws on Emmanuel Levinas’s theories on suffering and death in her exploration of the structur...
Compares three related stories that complicate the conventional wound theory by attributing Nick’s a...
This article aims to contribute to the body of scholarly discussion surrounding Ernest Hemingway’s N...
Manuscript study. Detailed investigation of Hemingway’s extensive drafting and revision process, dra...
Suggests that Hemingway’s inherited depression overlapped with his war induced posttraumatic stress ...
The patterns of insomnia are abstruse. I have tried to explain the images and sounds and voices I se...
Explicates the story’s fisher king motif and references to prayer to reveal the wounded Nick’s inabi...
Freudian analysis focusing on the novel’s death motif, suggesting Jake’s insomnia is caused by his p...
Examines Nick’s attempt at self-diagnosis and rehabilitation by replacing his unpleasant memories of...
Night, sleep and insomnia in Boris Pasternak’s Doktor ZhivagoIn the novel the night is usually recal...
Manuscript study. Beall chronicles Hemingway’s extensive drafting and revision process, contending ...
Drawing on trauma theory, Messent examines the effects of trauma on the scarred Nick Adams in severa...
In his seminal Existence and Existents, Emmanuel Levinas linked the impersonal event of the il y a, ...
Examines the multilayered experience of reading by focusing on cognitive, emotive, and ethical const...
Contends that the “indecipherable” nature of “Big Two-Hearted River” is answered through intertextua...
Clark draws on Emmanuel Levinas’s theories on suffering and death in her exploration of the structur...
Compares three related stories that complicate the conventional wound theory by attributing Nick’s a...
This article aims to contribute to the body of scholarly discussion surrounding Ernest Hemingway’s N...
Manuscript study. Detailed investigation of Hemingway’s extensive drafting and revision process, dra...
Suggests that Hemingway’s inherited depression overlapped with his war induced posttraumatic stress ...
The patterns of insomnia are abstruse. I have tried to explain the images and sounds and voices I se...
Explicates the story’s fisher king motif and references to prayer to reveal the wounded Nick’s inabi...
Freudian analysis focusing on the novel’s death motif, suggesting Jake’s insomnia is caused by his p...
Examines Nick’s attempt at self-diagnosis and rehabilitation by replacing his unpleasant memories of...
Night, sleep and insomnia in Boris Pasternak’s Doktor ZhivagoIn the novel the night is usually recal...
Manuscript study. Beall chronicles Hemingway’s extensive drafting and revision process, contending ...
Drawing on trauma theory, Messent examines the effects of trauma on the scarred Nick Adams in severa...
In his seminal Existence and Existents, Emmanuel Levinas linked the impersonal event of the il y a, ...
Examines the multilayered experience of reading by focusing on cognitive, emotive, and ethical const...
Contends that the “indecipherable” nature of “Big Two-Hearted River” is answered through intertextua...
Clark draws on Emmanuel Levinas’s theories on suffering and death in her exploration of the structur...