Egyetemi hallgatók motivációs és személyes kompetenciáinak statisztikai vizsgálata főkomponens és klaszteranalízissel

  • Nagy, Richárd
  • Balogh, Péter
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Publication date
December 2017
University of Debrecen/ Debreceni Egyetem


The aim of the research is to do a statistical evaluation of agricultural and rural development engineer student’s motivation and personal competency. It sums up the late generation Y’s characteristics and challenges. To be a successful, graduated employee, not only the skill is needed but the personal competency as well. Altogether, 121 filled out questionnaires were collected from the students which were the prime source of the research. They had to evaluate influential factors to their motivation level and competence. The database was analyzed with descriptive statistic methods, principal component and cluster analysis. Studying the personal competency, five different factors were divided based on Belbin’s team roles and four clusters. T...

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