Intensive mixed crop-dairy systems dominate smallholder agriculture in Rwanda. However, factors that influence the intensification and crop-dairy integration in Rwanda have not been examined. The objective of this study was to determine factors that are influencing the current and future prospects for intensification and mixed crop-dairy production systems in Rwanda
In Kenya, smallholder farmers produce about 80% of the marketed milk. The farming systems vary from ...
Sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) involves those farming systems that produce in ways t...
The horror of genocide and civil war have turned the world's attention to Rwanda over the last year....
The dairy sub-sector of the agricultural sector in Rwanda is crucial for rural development, poverty ...
Animal feed resources remain a major constraint for livestock development in tropical Africa. In Rwa...
Keywords: food security, biophysical and socioeconomic conditions, farmer resource groups, producti...
This paper clarifies the path that Rwanda took in the quest for a modern, intensive, productive and ...
A study on smallholder dairy development in the East African highlands. Looks into the production sy...
This data study contains data on milk yields from livestock. Project title: Africa RISING: Malawi Da...
Keywords: Rwanda; farm household typology; sustainable technology adoption; multivariate analysis;<b...
The dairy industry plays a crucial role in the rural community’s economy and farmers’ livelihoods. H...
This study is uniquely structured to assess the potential for future development of the Rwandan goat...
Rwanda is a poor country and land is scarce, with only 0.65 ha of suitable farmland per household. L...
The year 2007 marked the beginning of a journey to secure food in Rwanda. The country introduced the...
Livestock is an essential component of smallholder farming systems in the East African highlands. Th...
In Kenya, smallholder farmers produce about 80% of the marketed milk. The farming systems vary from ...
Sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) involves those farming systems that produce in ways t...
The horror of genocide and civil war have turned the world's attention to Rwanda over the last year....
The dairy sub-sector of the agricultural sector in Rwanda is crucial for rural development, poverty ...
Animal feed resources remain a major constraint for livestock development in tropical Africa. In Rwa...
Keywords: food security, biophysical and socioeconomic conditions, farmer resource groups, producti...
This paper clarifies the path that Rwanda took in the quest for a modern, intensive, productive and ...
A study on smallholder dairy development in the East African highlands. Looks into the production sy...
This data study contains data on milk yields from livestock. Project title: Africa RISING: Malawi Da...
Keywords: Rwanda; farm household typology; sustainable technology adoption; multivariate analysis;<b...
The dairy industry plays a crucial role in the rural community’s economy and farmers’ livelihoods. H...
This study is uniquely structured to assess the potential for future development of the Rwandan goat...
Rwanda is a poor country and land is scarce, with only 0.65 ha of suitable farmland per household. L...
The year 2007 marked the beginning of a journey to secure food in Rwanda. The country introduced the...
Livestock is an essential component of smallholder farming systems in the East African highlands. Th...
In Kenya, smallholder farmers produce about 80% of the marketed milk. The farming systems vary from ...
Sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) involves those farming systems that produce in ways t...
The horror of genocide and civil war have turned the world's attention to Rwanda over the last year....