玉米褪綠斑駁病毒(Maize chlorotic mottle virus, MCMV)可感染玉米造成葉片褪綠及黃化或壞疽病徵,嚴重時造成植株矮化、褐化枯死情形,蒐集田間樣本並將MCMV 鞘蛋白序列解序後進行親緣性分析,顯示台灣發生的MCMV 病毒與中國大陸及肯亞的MCMV 病毒株親緣性達98%-99%;而本病毒於玉米栽培區如雲林縣、嘉義縣及台南市等地造成大面積危害,玉米產量減少甚至絕收,已成為玉米栽培重要限制因子。由2014 年至2015 年田間調查結果顯示,全台皆有本病毒感染玉米植株,分析其流行趨勢發現本病毒於10 月至翌年5 月為發生盛期。檢測玉米鮮穗種子帶毒情形,顯示種子有極高機率帶有MCMV 病毒,此一情況提高種子傳毒風險,經由長出測試實驗也可獲得種子傳毒病株。MCMV 可藉由多種媒介昆蟲傳播,在台灣已知可以玉米薊馬進行傳播,玉米薊馬(Frankliniella williamsi Hood)以成蟲獲毒能力較若蟲佳,需要一定數量薊馬才能有效傳毒。為有效防治玉米MCMV 病害,應結合田間管理、使用適當的殺蟲劑及選擇耐性品種進行防治。 Maize chlorotic mottle virus, MCMV, was first reported in sweet corn in Taiwan in 2014. Symptoms of MCMV included mottle or mosaic developing into maize leaf chlorosis and necrosis. Moreover, severe plant stunting and death were observed. Phylogenetic analysis of full cap...
M.S. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2013.Includes bibliographical references.Maize chlorotic mottle v...
本省田間葡萄呈現黃斑型病徵之病毒病害,於1982 年在臺中地區發現。可經汁液接種感染草本檢定植物Chenopodium amaranticolor 等13 種,形成局部斑點(local lesion)...
AbstractCorn lethal necrosis (CLN) is caused by the synergistic interaction between maize chlorotic ...
Plant virus diseases are serious constraints to the productivity and profitability of a wide range o...
從兩耳草(sourgrass,Paspalum conjugatum)上分離出來的一個甘蔗嵌紋病毒分離株(SCMV–Sou),經接種試驗,可以感染強生草(johnsongrass,Sorghum ha...
The concentration of maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV) was up to 5.4 times higher in plants infect...
Plant virus diseases are serious constraints to the production and productivity of a wide range of c...
Maize is the main staple food crop in Kenya. However, its production is constrained by maize lethal ...
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a major food and fodder crop cultivated on 1.54 million ha in the Democratic ...
Sixty-eight isolates of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) belonging to the Y serotype (serogroup) or P ser...
從罹患嵌紋病的玉米植株分離出來的一種病毒,經接種到判別植物所呈現之反應,鑑定屬於玉米矮化嵌紋病毒B 型系統(Maize dwarf mosaic Virus B Strain, MDMV-B )。於溫...
The complete genome of a maize chlorotic mottle virus isolate from Nebraska (MCMV-NE) was cloned and...
Sustainable control of plant diseases requires a good understanding of the epidemiological aspects s...
パッションフルーツおよびクサトケイソウのモザイク病株から分離されたウイルス分離株1,分離株2および分離株3の諸性質を調べた。各ウイルス株は, 汁液伝染し, モモアカアブラムシによって非永続的に伝搬され...
Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) is a disease of maize reported in Kenya in 2012 that results in yield lo...
M.S. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2013.Includes bibliographical references.Maize chlorotic mottle v...
本省田間葡萄呈現黃斑型病徵之病毒病害,於1982 年在臺中地區發現。可經汁液接種感染草本檢定植物Chenopodium amaranticolor 等13 種,形成局部斑點(local lesion)...
AbstractCorn lethal necrosis (CLN) is caused by the synergistic interaction between maize chlorotic ...
Plant virus diseases are serious constraints to the productivity and profitability of a wide range o...
從兩耳草(sourgrass,Paspalum conjugatum)上分離出來的一個甘蔗嵌紋病毒分離株(SCMV–Sou),經接種試驗,可以感染強生草(johnsongrass,Sorghum ha...
The concentration of maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV) was up to 5.4 times higher in plants infect...
Plant virus diseases are serious constraints to the production and productivity of a wide range of c...
Maize is the main staple food crop in Kenya. However, its production is constrained by maize lethal ...
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a major food and fodder crop cultivated on 1.54 million ha in the Democratic ...
Sixty-eight isolates of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) belonging to the Y serotype (serogroup) or P ser...
從罹患嵌紋病的玉米植株分離出來的一種病毒,經接種到判別植物所呈現之反應,鑑定屬於玉米矮化嵌紋病毒B 型系統(Maize dwarf mosaic Virus B Strain, MDMV-B )。於溫...
The complete genome of a maize chlorotic mottle virus isolate from Nebraska (MCMV-NE) was cloned and...
Sustainable control of plant diseases requires a good understanding of the epidemiological aspects s...
パッションフルーツおよびクサトケイソウのモザイク病株から分離されたウイルス分離株1,分離株2および分離株3の諸性質を調べた。各ウイルス株は, 汁液伝染し, モモアカアブラムシによって非永続的に伝搬され...
Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) is a disease of maize reported in Kenya in 2012 that results in yield lo...
M.S. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2013.Includes bibliographical references.Maize chlorotic mottle v...
本省田間葡萄呈現黃斑型病徵之病毒病害,於1982 年在臺中地區發現。可經汁液接種感染草本檢定植物Chenopodium amaranticolor 等13 種,形成局部斑點(local lesion)...
AbstractCorn lethal necrosis (CLN) is caused by the synergistic interaction between maize chlorotic ...