Effect of Shoot Growth on Fruit Setting and Quality of Grape

  • 林嘉興
  • 張林仁
  • Jia-hsing Lin
  • Lin-ren Chang
Publication date
July 2012


巨峰葡萄開花期新梢長度在30~60公分之間結果率最佳,但30公分以下之新梢結果後之果穗短小,果粒密著,需要增加疏果勞力,然結果後枝條無法再生長,葉果比例不足,導致成熟期果粒小,糖度低,著色不良,果實品質低。修剪稍強之結果母枝,在開花期新梢長度超過60公分以上者,則會影響著果率及產生無核小果,果粒疏密不均勻,而失去外觀價值,且在著果後枝條生育強盛,由於中果期以後枝條與果實競爭養分之影響,果粒成長緩慢,到生育後期枝長超過200公分以上,成熟期果粒小,著色較差。開花期新梢的適當生長量以40~50公分為最佳,開花期及果實生育後期之停心率最高,有助於提高著果率、果粒肥大及果實之品質。但巨峰葡萄新梢生育受到氣候等環境因子左右,且受修剪、施肥及萌芽後的管理等所影響,必須繼續觀察多年,以尋求巨峰葡萄在臺灣地區之生育管理基準。 In Kyoho grape, the shoots of 30-60cm in length at blooming period had the best fruit-setting. Shoots shorter than 30cm bore short clusters as well as condensed berries, therefore it took more labor on fruit thinning, and it resulted in smaller berries, lower sugar contents, bad coloring and worse fruit quality because the leaf-fruit ratio was not enough. A shoot that arised from strong ...

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