Sporun son yüzyıllık serüveninde devlet hayatında ve ülke imajının oluşturulmasında önemli bir kurumsallık sergilediği göz ardı edilemez. Bireysel bir fenomen olarak sporun değerlendirilmesinden ziyade, toplumsal bir olgu olarak spor, sosyo-kültürel yapının şekillenmesinde etkilidir. Bu anlamda birçok modern toplumda, bu dönemde, spor kurumundan devlet politikası olarak istifade edebilmek hedeflenmiştir. Kuşkusuz bu süreçte Sovyet toplumlarında spora yüklenen sosyolojik anlam toplumsal değişim adına göz ardı edilmeyecek bir öneme sahiptir. Çalışmada Sovyet toplumunda spor kültürünün kitlesel olarak geliştirilmesinde ve uluslararası arenada var olmada, spora yüklenen anlam üç aşamada incelenmiş, Spartakiada ve Moskova Olimpiyatları sosyo-pol...
Práce se zabývá sportem a jeho využitím jako nástroje zahraniční politiky státu. Práce vychází z teo...
The aim of this article is to present one of the main dimensions of sports being used for political ...
Výchozí bází práce docenta Fakulty sportovních studií Masarykovy university Aleše Sekota je odkaz na...
W 1952 r. sportowcy ZSRR po raz pierwszy wzięli udział w igrzyskach olimpijskich. Cztery lata wcześn...
My general premise is that sports and recreations are among the most revealing mirrors of many socie...
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Sports kā maigās varas instruments Krievijas ietekmes nostiprināšanā postpad...
The article shows social and political aspects of implementing Soviet ideology-doctrine of physical ...
Šī bakalaura darba mērķis ir novērtēt, cik lielā mērā sporta notikumiem piemīt maigās varas potenci...
Abstract. The article shows social and political aspects of implementing Soviet ideology-doctrine of...
L’URSS opère au milieu des années 1930 un changement dans sa manière d’envisager la performance spor...
Po 2. světové válce se sport ocitl v nových společenských poměrech, určených existencí dvou světovýc...
Nowadays, there are two sport theories, so-called the compensation theory is rather widespread in th...
The objective: to find out problems and features of the development of sports games in Ukraine. Mate...
The article shows social and political aspects of implementing Soviet ideology-doctrine of physical ...
The Cold War was the continuing state of policital conflict, military tension and economic competiti...
Práce se zabývá sportem a jeho využitím jako nástroje zahraniční politiky státu. Práce vychází z teo...
The aim of this article is to present one of the main dimensions of sports being used for political ...
Výchozí bází práce docenta Fakulty sportovních studií Masarykovy university Aleše Sekota je odkaz na...
W 1952 r. sportowcy ZSRR po raz pierwszy wzięli udział w igrzyskach olimpijskich. Cztery lata wcześn...
My general premise is that sports and recreations are among the most revealing mirrors of many socie...
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Sports kā maigās varas instruments Krievijas ietekmes nostiprināšanā postpad...
The article shows social and political aspects of implementing Soviet ideology-doctrine of physical ...
Šī bakalaura darba mērķis ir novērtēt, cik lielā mērā sporta notikumiem piemīt maigās varas potenci...
Abstract. The article shows social and political aspects of implementing Soviet ideology-doctrine of...
L’URSS opère au milieu des années 1930 un changement dans sa manière d’envisager la performance spor...
Po 2. světové válce se sport ocitl v nových společenských poměrech, určených existencí dvou světovýc...
Nowadays, there are two sport theories, so-called the compensation theory is rather widespread in th...
The objective: to find out problems and features of the development of sports games in Ukraine. Mate...
The article shows social and political aspects of implementing Soviet ideology-doctrine of physical ...
The Cold War was the continuing state of policital conflict, military tension and economic competiti...
Práce se zabývá sportem a jeho využitím jako nástroje zahraniční politiky státu. Práce vychází z teo...
The aim of this article is to present one of the main dimensions of sports being used for political ...
Výchozí bází práce docenta Fakulty sportovních studií Masarykovy university Aleše Sekota je odkaz na...