Metoda projektów jest metodą kształcenia, która opiera się na aktywizującej strategii nauczania, zapewniającą holistyczny rozwój dziecka. Pozwala na wybór aktywności dzieciom o różnym poziomie rozwoju, pobudza do myślenia, uczy zastosowania nowo nabytej wiedzy w praktyce oraz umożliwia uczenie poprzez działanie, co w szczególności podnosi poziom efektywności nauczania dzieci z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Wspólna praca całego zespołu klasowego nad projektem sprzyja ich wchodzeniu w społeczną przestrzeń życia szkoły stając się dobrą płaszczyzną inkluzji. Problemem jednak, jak wynika z przeprowadzonych badań, jest znajomość i świadomość możliwości zastosowania tej metody przez nauczycieli nauczania początkowego do wspierania ...
The subject of this article is a study report on parents' views about the common upbringing and edu...
The idea of inclusive education is the concept of education for all. According to opinions of differ...
An educator of a child in a crèche undertakes a reflection on the educational activities and their o...
The project method as a teaching method, which is based on activating teaching strategies, ensures h...
Activating methods used in the work of teachers significantly help the social inclusion of children...
Recent legal changes in the educational system have ensured children with mild intellectual disabili...
Inclusion of able peers into the process of aiding the development of disabled children is beneficia...
Bringing up children in kindergarten is a very important and responsible task for teachers. Increasi...
The long process of accepting a child with disability begins in the family. The key issue is what to...
The article presents a summary of the research about peer relationships among the young with intelle...
The problem is located in the area of didactics and concerns methods used in working with children ...
Inclusive education is the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in the environment of ...
This publication is about a special educator as a role model in the education and therapy of childre...
The article concerns children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who attend mainstream school as pa...
Integrative/inclusive education has become a reality, but its effects on students with disabilities ...
The subject of this article is a study report on parents' views about the common upbringing and edu...
The idea of inclusive education is the concept of education for all. According to opinions of differ...
An educator of a child in a crèche undertakes a reflection on the educational activities and their o...
The project method as a teaching method, which is based on activating teaching strategies, ensures h...
Activating methods used in the work of teachers significantly help the social inclusion of children...
Recent legal changes in the educational system have ensured children with mild intellectual disabili...
Inclusion of able peers into the process of aiding the development of disabled children is beneficia...
Bringing up children in kindergarten is a very important and responsible task for teachers. Increasi...
The long process of accepting a child with disability begins in the family. The key issue is what to...
The article presents a summary of the research about peer relationships among the young with intelle...
The problem is located in the area of didactics and concerns methods used in working with children ...
Inclusive education is the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in the environment of ...
This publication is about a special educator as a role model in the education and therapy of childre...
The article concerns children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who attend mainstream school as pa...
Integrative/inclusive education has become a reality, but its effects on students with disabilities ...
The subject of this article is a study report on parents' views about the common upbringing and edu...
The idea of inclusive education is the concept of education for all. According to opinions of differ...
An educator of a child in a crèche undertakes a reflection on the educational activities and their o...