WOS: 000493281100017Öz. Koltko-Rivera’nın (2006) çalışmasına göre Maslow’un hayatının son dönemlerinde “kendini aşmışlık” adı altında yeni bir ihtiyaç seviyesini dile getirmiştir. Psikolojik gelişim açısından fenomenolojik yapıya ait Maslow’un ihtiyaçlar hiyerarşisinin en üst seviyesini temsil eden “kendini aşmışlık” düzeyi ihtiyaçlar hiyerarşisinin bir parçası olup bireyin hem içsel hem de dışsal gelişim süreçlerini gösterir. Örneğin bağımsızlık, kendini gerçekleştirme, kimlik başarısı ve etkili sosyal bağ kurma “kendini aşmışlığın” bir ürünüdür. İlgili alanda “kendini aşmışlık” kavramını Türkçe dilinde ifade eden bu çalışma ilk olmaktadır. Bunun yanında günümüzde yapılan çalışmalardaki etkinliği olan kültürel ve bireyselleşme faktö...
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) was a leading psychologist whose hierarchy of needs has resonated through...
In 1962, Abraham Maslow published his book Towards a Psychology of Being, and established a theory o...
In 1962, Abraham Maslow published his book Towards a Psychology of Being, and established a theory o...
Self - actualization is the highest level in Holistic Dynamics theory to be achieved of an individua...
inaccurate as a description of Maslow’s later thought. Maslow (1969a) amended his model, placing sel...
Öz Maslow’un ihtiyaç hiyerarşisi modeli insan davranışının beş basamakta sınıflandırılan ve piramit...
Abraham Maslow’un Kendini Gerçekleştirme Kavramının Aziz Nesefî’nin İnsan-ı Kâmil Kavramıyla Karşıla...
Self-actualization is the peak experience in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Maslow's hierarchy ...
Žmogiškosios prigimties galimybes ir ribos, sveiko ir brandaus žmogaus (visuomenes) vizija, didžiaus...
In the world where a broken family can breaks someone’s life, can self-actualization bring a better ...
Self actualization describes the natural tendency of humans to strive to fulfill their potential. Ea...
This study aims to analyze the concept of happiness via the concepts of self-actualization and self-...
There is a growing recognition that reductionist and mechanistic worldview that we hold of human mot...
Human need is an important phenomenon. It is widely studied and analyzed in every day’s life. The re...
This article focuses on the classical A. H. Maslow’s motivation conception and aims to synthesize th...
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) was a leading psychologist whose hierarchy of needs has resonated through...
In 1962, Abraham Maslow published his book Towards a Psychology of Being, and established a theory o...
In 1962, Abraham Maslow published his book Towards a Psychology of Being, and established a theory o...
Self - actualization is the highest level in Holistic Dynamics theory to be achieved of an individua...
inaccurate as a description of Maslow’s later thought. Maslow (1969a) amended his model, placing sel...
Öz Maslow’un ihtiyaç hiyerarşisi modeli insan davranışının beş basamakta sınıflandırılan ve piramit...
Abraham Maslow’un Kendini Gerçekleştirme Kavramının Aziz Nesefî’nin İnsan-ı Kâmil Kavramıyla Karşıla...
Self-actualization is the peak experience in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Maslow's hierarchy ...
Žmogiškosios prigimties galimybes ir ribos, sveiko ir brandaus žmogaus (visuomenes) vizija, didžiaus...
In the world where a broken family can breaks someone’s life, can self-actualization bring a better ...
Self actualization describes the natural tendency of humans to strive to fulfill their potential. Ea...
This study aims to analyze the concept of happiness via the concepts of self-actualization and self-...
There is a growing recognition that reductionist and mechanistic worldview that we hold of human mot...
Human need is an important phenomenon. It is widely studied and analyzed in every day’s life. The re...
This article focuses on the classical A. H. Maslow’s motivation conception and aims to synthesize th...
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) was a leading psychologist whose hierarchy of needs has resonated through...
In 1962, Abraham Maslow published his book Towards a Psychology of Being, and established a theory o...
In 1962, Abraham Maslow published his book Towards a Psychology of Being, and established a theory o...