The Nature of Selection. Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus. By Elliot Sober, x + 383 pp. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1984. $12.50. (Reviewed by Otto T. Solbrig, Harvard University) Epidemiologic Reviews, Volume 7. Edited by Moyses Szklo, Leon Gordis, Michael B. Gregg and Myron M. Levine. 208 pp. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 1985. $15.00. (Reviewed by Charles Hoff, University of South Alabama) Growth, Health and Fitness of Teenagers. Longitudinal Research in International Perspective. Edited by Han C. G. Kemper, xii +204. Volume 20 in Medicine and Sport Science. Series edited by M. Hebbelinck. S. Karger, Basel, 1985. $49.50. (Reviewed by Lawrence M. Schell, State University of New York at Albany) Perspec...