Analiza rozwoju spękań klastrowych w zaczynie cementowym modyfikowanym mikrokrzemionką

  • Szeląg, Maciej
  • Fic, Stanisław
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Publication date
December 2015
Politechnika Lubelska


Article describes the course of research on the possibility of the application of the computer-based image analysis techniques to evaluate the structure of cluster cracks on the surface of modified cement paste. Four sets of specimens were performed, based on two Portland cements (CEM I 42,5R and CEM I 52,5R). In addition, the two series include microsilica as a substitute for 10% of cement. Cracks of samples were obtained by the sudden temperature load at the value of 250°C. Image of the cracked surface was obtained by scanning at a resolution of 2400DPI, and to digital processing and measurements ImageJ v. 1.46r software was used. To describe the structure of the cracks two stereological parameters were proposed: average cluster area (A) ...

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