Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan limbah serbuk besi sebagai admixture agregat halus terhadap kuat tekan beton serta mengetahui kuat tekan beton optimum setelah penambahan limbah serbuk besi sebagai admixture agregat halus. Pembuatan beton dengan menggunakan serbuk besi diharapkan mampu memanfaatkan limbah serbuk besi yang telah tidak terpakai lagi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang cukup signifikan dengan adanya penambahan serbuk besi, namun penambahan serbuk besi yang terlalu berlebihan juga dapat mengurangi kekuatan beton itu sendiri. Pengunaan serbuk besi yang baik adalah pada variasi 10% - 30% dengan kuat tekan beton karakteristik optimum 21,42 N/mm2 dan pengaruh sebesar 26% - 60...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of waste rice husk ash and viscocre...
The objective of this research examining stability and flow value was to investigate the impact of t...
The research aims to see the effect of substitute tile waste waste in making concrete on concrete co...
In general, concrete is used as a construction material which is often used in construction. As a re...
Limbah adalah zat-zat sampah yang merupakan hasil dari suatu proses produksi. Jika limbah dibiarkan ...
In this research, we want to experiment to find out the compressive strength of medium quality concr...
Concrete is a mixture composed of course aggregate (crushed stone and rock is not broken), fine aggr...
Concrete is a building which is composed by an aggregate (sand rocks), cement and water (plus the ot...
Waste industrial activities and technologies is an issue that is processing environments that reduce...
Concrete is a common material used to build buildings. The use of concrete materials is increasing, ...
ABSTRAKDalam campuran beton, agregat kasar memiliki 70% sampai 80% pengaruh terhadap kuat tekan beto...
AbstractStudy of the properties of concrete by adding two of the admixtures; iron splinters and minc...
Kurangnya pemanfaatan limbah hasil lubang baut pada baja jarang dimanfaatkan, sehingga menyebabkan p...
Concrete is a building material consisting of a mixture of cement, water, fine aggregate, coarse agg...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of waste rice husk ash and viscocre...
The objective of this research examining stability and flow value was to investigate the impact of t...
The research aims to see the effect of substitute tile waste waste in making concrete on concrete co...
In general, concrete is used as a construction material which is often used in construction. As a re...
Limbah adalah zat-zat sampah yang merupakan hasil dari suatu proses produksi. Jika limbah dibiarkan ...
In this research, we want to experiment to find out the compressive strength of medium quality concr...
Concrete is a mixture composed of course aggregate (crushed stone and rock is not broken), fine aggr...
Concrete is a building which is composed by an aggregate (sand rocks), cement and water (plus the ot...
Waste industrial activities and technologies is an issue that is processing environments that reduce...
Concrete is a common material used to build buildings. The use of concrete materials is increasing, ...
ABSTRAKDalam campuran beton, agregat kasar memiliki 70% sampai 80% pengaruh terhadap kuat tekan beto...
AbstractStudy of the properties of concrete by adding two of the admixtures; iron splinters and minc...
Kurangnya pemanfaatan limbah hasil lubang baut pada baja jarang dimanfaatkan, sehingga menyebabkan p...
Concrete is a building material consisting of a mixture of cement, water, fine aggregate, coarse agg...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of waste rice husk ash and viscocre...
The objective of this research examining stability and flow value was to investigate the impact of t...
The research aims to see the effect of substitute tile waste waste in making concrete on concrete co...