EnIn 2006 professor Donato Valli carried out studies about a scholar up till now not mentioned in the lists of literay men and poets he had dealt with in the past: the poet Agostino Venanzio Reali from Romagna. When Valli was invited by Comune di Sogliano al Rubicone on occasion of the 5th "Agostino Venanzio Reali" National Poetry award, he had a great lecture, highlighting a deep analysis regarding Agostino Reali's lyrical experience, especially as far as his relationships with the xx century poetic movements are concerned. Here below you can find Reali's short biography together with the reasons why Valli went to Romagna and the whole text of his lecture.ItNel 2006, il prof. Donato Valli si interessò anche di un personaggio fino ad ora no...