PERAN AGEN HAYATI ASAL RIZOSFER DAN ENDOFIT MENEKAN PENYAKIT BUSUK SKLEROTIUM ROLFSII BAWANG DAUN DI MEDIA GAMBUT (Role of Rhizosphere and Endophytes Biological Agents to Supress Sclerotium rolfsii Rot Disease on Scallions in the Peat Media): Mulyani, R. B.,1*), Usup, A.,1), Supriati, L1), dan Ramlan1)

  • journal, Admin
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Publication date
October 2019
Universitas Palangka Raya


ABSTRACTThe Sclerotium Rot Disease is highly destructive to the scallions cultivation in the peat soil. Theantagonistic fungi isolated from the rhizosphere and the endophytes of healthy plants, have beenproven to be able to reduce Sclerotium rolfsii. The aim of this study was to evaluate thecharacteristics of antagonistic fungi from rhizosphere and endophytes of Scallions to S. rolfsii in- vitro in the laboratory. The purpose of this study was also to perform the suppression test on theintensity of Sclerotium rolfsiiRot Disease in planta in the peat media in the screen house. Thisresearch it was shown that genus Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillusas antagonistic fungi, wereidentified from the endophytes, meanwhile genus Trichoderma, Penicill...

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