A Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota by Tracey Jan Felger in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, March 1991. There are 3 supplementary files also attached to this record, which contain Plates 1 and 2 referenced in the thesis as well as a Correlation of Map Units.The geology of the Skinner Peaks 7 .5 minute quadrangle has been mapped at a scale of 1:24,000. The quadrangle is located m central Utah, just west of the leading edge of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt, and in the transition zone between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range. The stratigraphy and structure of the quadrangle reflect several tectonic events, including the Sevier Orogeny...
The Dyer Mountain quadrangle, located in Utah approximately 200 km east of Salt Lake City and 20 km ...
The mapped area is located in the north-central part of Utah. The northern part of the mapped area i...
A detailed study was made of the James Peak-Sharp Mountain area, in the southern part of the Bear Ri...
Bibliography: [236]-244.The Fountain Green North Quadrangle lies in an area of transition between th...
thesisThe Soldier Summit quadrangle, Utah, comprises a 250-square- mile area in the central part of ...
The Cottonwood Creek Coal Quadrangle is located in the Book Cliffs, a major escarpment in eastern Ut...
Graduation date: 1965Presentation date: 1965-05-14Over 3,000 feet of nonmarine Late Cretaceous sedim...
The Red Hills is the easternmost range within the Basin-and-Range province at the latitude of Parowa...
The mapped area, in north-central Utah, is centered about 22.6 miles south of Logan, Utah. It measur...
Includes bibliographical references.Includes illustrations.The Colton Formation consists of green ca...
The mapped area represents the eastern three-fourths of the Smithfield quadrangle, Utah. This quadra...
Typescript (photocopy).Digitized by Kansas State University LibrariesDepartment: Geology
Bibliography: pages [145]-149.The Eocene fluviatile Crazy Hollow Formation of central Utah is charac...
During the earliest 40% of Tertiary time, from about 65 to 40 million years ago, much of the Uinta B...
A detailed geologic investigation was made of the eastern part of the Dairy Ridge Quadrangle and the...
The Dyer Mountain quadrangle, located in Utah approximately 200 km east of Salt Lake City and 20 km ...
The mapped area is located in the north-central part of Utah. The northern part of the mapped area i...
A detailed study was made of the James Peak-Sharp Mountain area, in the southern part of the Bear Ri...
Bibliography: [236]-244.The Fountain Green North Quadrangle lies in an area of transition between th...
thesisThe Soldier Summit quadrangle, Utah, comprises a 250-square- mile area in the central part of ...
The Cottonwood Creek Coal Quadrangle is located in the Book Cliffs, a major escarpment in eastern Ut...
Graduation date: 1965Presentation date: 1965-05-14Over 3,000 feet of nonmarine Late Cretaceous sedim...
The Red Hills is the easternmost range within the Basin-and-Range province at the latitude of Parowa...
The mapped area, in north-central Utah, is centered about 22.6 miles south of Logan, Utah. It measur...
Includes bibliographical references.Includes illustrations.The Colton Formation consists of green ca...
The mapped area represents the eastern three-fourths of the Smithfield quadrangle, Utah. This quadra...
Typescript (photocopy).Digitized by Kansas State University LibrariesDepartment: Geology
Bibliography: pages [145]-149.The Eocene fluviatile Crazy Hollow Formation of central Utah is charac...
During the earliest 40% of Tertiary time, from about 65 to 40 million years ago, much of the Uinta B...
A detailed geologic investigation was made of the eastern part of the Dairy Ridge Quadrangle and the...
The Dyer Mountain quadrangle, located in Utah approximately 200 km east of Salt Lake City and 20 km ...
The mapped area is located in the north-central part of Utah. The northern part of the mapped area i...
A detailed study was made of the James Peak-Sharp Mountain area, in the southern part of the Bear Ri...