DATA DESCRIPTION: Version 2.0 estimates of total number of people per grid square broken down by male/female and 5-year age groupings; national totals have been adjusted to match UN Population Division estimates for 2000(1). REGION: Asia SPATIAL RESOLUTION: 0.00833333 decimal degrees (approx 1km at the equator) PROJECTION: Geographic, WGS84 UNITS: Estimated persons per grid square FORMAT: Geotiff (zipped using 7-zip (open access tool): FILENAMES: Example - Asia_PPP_A1014_F_2000_adj_v2.tif = Asia population dataset presenting people per pixel (PPP) for female age group 10 to 14 (A1014_F) for year 2000, adjusted to match UN national estimates (adj), dataset version 2.0 (v2). For other datasets, M = male, A65PL = age 65 a...