The metal-semiconductor interface in thin-film transistors (TFTs) is one of the bottlenecks on the development of these devices. Although this interface does not play an active role in the transistor operation, a low-quality interface can be responsible for a low performance operation. In a-Si TFTs, a doped film can be used to improve this interface, however, in other TFT technologies, there is no doped film to be used. In this chapter, some alternatives to improve this interface are analysed. Also, the influence of this interface on the electrical stability of these devices is presented
The objective of the research presented herein is to elucidate the effect of traps in determining am...
The effect of surface treatment on electrical characteristics of aluminum-silicon contacts has been ...
Metal-dielectric interfaces are ubiquitous in modern electronics. As advanced gigascale electronic d...
The effects of metal contacts on the electrical characteristics in thin-film transistors are discuss...
Optimization of the interface between the source/drain electrode and the organic semiconductor is on...
Non-silicon, large-area/flexible electronics for the internet of things (IoT) has acquired substanti...
Metal-oxide-semiconductor-based thin-film transistors (TFTs) are exploited in display backplanes and...
Introduction to Thin Film Transistors reviews the operation, application, and technology of the main...
Around 100 years has passed since the first cathode ray tube has been fabricated. Fast and free tran...
Providing a reliable and consolidated treatment of the principles behind large-area electronics, thi...
In this thesis the objective is to determine if a functional thin film transistor (TFT) with a botto...
The power MOS transistors were tested with different diffusion barrier type used in metallization co...
Short-channel zinc oxide (ZnO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) are investigated in a wide range of temp...
Whilst progress on solution-processed oxide semiconductors has been rapidly advancing, research effo...
Abstract—Short-channel zinc oxide (ZnO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) are investigated in a wide rang...
The objective of the research presented herein is to elucidate the effect of traps in determining am...
The effect of surface treatment on electrical characteristics of aluminum-silicon contacts has been ...
Metal-dielectric interfaces are ubiquitous in modern electronics. As advanced gigascale electronic d...
The effects of metal contacts on the electrical characteristics in thin-film transistors are discuss...
Optimization of the interface between the source/drain electrode and the organic semiconductor is on...
Non-silicon, large-area/flexible electronics for the internet of things (IoT) has acquired substanti...
Metal-oxide-semiconductor-based thin-film transistors (TFTs) are exploited in display backplanes and...
Introduction to Thin Film Transistors reviews the operation, application, and technology of the main...
Around 100 years has passed since the first cathode ray tube has been fabricated. Fast and free tran...
Providing a reliable and consolidated treatment of the principles behind large-area electronics, thi...
In this thesis the objective is to determine if a functional thin film transistor (TFT) with a botto...
The power MOS transistors were tested with different diffusion barrier type used in metallization co...
Short-channel zinc oxide (ZnO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) are investigated in a wide range of temp...
Whilst progress on solution-processed oxide semiconductors has been rapidly advancing, research effo...
Abstract—Short-channel zinc oxide (ZnO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) are investigated in a wide rang...
The objective of the research presented herein is to elucidate the effect of traps in determining am...
The effect of surface treatment on electrical characteristics of aluminum-silicon contacts has been ...
Metal-dielectric interfaces are ubiquitous in modern electronics. As advanced gigascale electronic d...