In 2004 the European Commission issued Directive 2004/102/EC which, among other things, introduced the concept of requiring wood packaging materials to be “debarked.” While previous research has established that as many as one in five North American wood pallets contain at least one occurrence of bark, the process changes required to eliminate or segregate barky defects from pallets have not been adequately defined or quantified. Simulation-based findings as described in this paper indicate that the proposed EC regulation could add $2.7 billion over 10 years to the cost of U.S. pallets alone as they enter international trade markets, and depending on the degree of universal adoption of bark-free regulation, could result in as much as 16 bil...
This study identifies new wood-based products with considerable potential and attractive markets, in...
Pallets are the tiny cogs in the machine that drive transportation in the global economy. The profus...
Graduation date: 2012Export-oriented illegal logging has been recognized as a major global problem i...
In 2004 the European Commission issued Directive 2004/102/EC which, among other things, introduced t...
Wood packaging material (WPM) is a significant pathway by which bark- and wood-boring insects move b...
This paper investigates the impact of green public procurement (governments’ purchases) of certified...
Current tariffs on wood products act as a barrier to trade. They restrict market access to more effi...
This paper investigates the impact of green public procurement (governments’ purchases) of certified...
Eco-certification standards are increasingly used by industrial countries to restrict imports of for...
This study provides novel insights into the policy effects of timber legality verification methods, ...
11 p Working paperThis paper analyses the side effects of the stricter regulation on tropical hardwo...
Numerous bark- and wood-infesting insects have been introduced to new countries by international tra...
The objective of this study is to investigate the economic impacts of Forest Stewardship Council (FS...
This study identifies new wood-based products with considerable potential and attractive markets, in...
Wood used to be the most common material for packaging, workbenches, shelves, tools, buildings, inte...
This study identifies new wood-based products with considerable potential and attractive markets, in...
Pallets are the tiny cogs in the machine that drive transportation in the global economy. The profus...
Graduation date: 2012Export-oriented illegal logging has been recognized as a major global problem i...
In 2004 the European Commission issued Directive 2004/102/EC which, among other things, introduced t...
Wood packaging material (WPM) is a significant pathway by which bark- and wood-boring insects move b...
This paper investigates the impact of green public procurement (governments’ purchases) of certified...
Current tariffs on wood products act as a barrier to trade. They restrict market access to more effi...
This paper investigates the impact of green public procurement (governments’ purchases) of certified...
Eco-certification standards are increasingly used by industrial countries to restrict imports of for...
This study provides novel insights into the policy effects of timber legality verification methods, ...
11 p Working paperThis paper analyses the side effects of the stricter regulation on tropical hardwo...
Numerous bark- and wood-infesting insects have been introduced to new countries by international tra...
The objective of this study is to investigate the economic impacts of Forest Stewardship Council (FS...
This study identifies new wood-based products with considerable potential and attractive markets, in...
Wood used to be the most common material for packaging, workbenches, shelves, tools, buildings, inte...
This study identifies new wood-based products with considerable potential and attractive markets, in...
Pallets are the tiny cogs in the machine that drive transportation in the global economy. The profus...
Graduation date: 2012Export-oriented illegal logging has been recognized as a major global problem i...