We show that an earlier domain wall solution of type IIB supergravity provides a supersymmetric realization of the Randall–Sundrum brane-world, and give its ten-dimensional interpretation in terms of IIB 3-branes. We also explain how previous no-go theorems are circumvented. In particular, whereas D = 5D=5 supergravity scalars have AdS5AdS5 energy E0 ⩽ 4E0⩽4 and are unable to support a D = 5D=5 positive tension brane, our scalar has E0 = 8,E0=8, and is the breathing mode of the S5S5 compactification. Another essential element of the construction is the implementation of a Z2Z2 symmetry by patching together compactifications with opposite signs for their 5-form field strengths. This is thus a IIB analog of a previous D = 5D=5 3-brane realiza...