The Double U Company was a land colonization business chartered in 1907 by breakfast food magnate Charles William Post (1854-1914) of Battle Creek, Michigan. From 1906-1907, Post purchased over 200,000 acres of land in Garza, Lynn, and Hockley Counties Texas. The acquisition encompassed parts of the Curry Comb Ranch, the O. S. Ranch, the T. G. Oxsheer Ranch, and a portion of John B. Slaughter's U-Lazy-S Ranch. The town of Post, in Garza County, Texas began as a tent city in 1906. By 1916, after an extensive real estate campaign, Post City and the surrounding area numbered approximately 3,000 inhabitants, with 14 private corporations that together held over 1.2 million dollars in capital stock. The Double U charter expired in 1957 and C. W. ...