Uso de antibacterianos en infecciones del tracto respiratorio inferior, en el Centro Médico Naval, año 2002

  • Mendoza L., Jannelle C.
  • Holguí E., Christhy G.
  • Juárez E., José R.
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Publication date
June 2004
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica
Spanish; Castilian


The present research was developed in the Centro Médico Naval «Cirujano Mayor Santiago Távara», considering 206 clinical histories of patients hospitalized with antibacterial treatment during the period January-December of 2002, in the Services of: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Pneumology and Geriatrics. Whose general objective was to evaluate the antibacterial therapy in the infections of the inferior respiratory tract in order to determine the effectiveness of the antibacterial usage in patients.Of the analyzed histories; 33% repayed to acute exacerbation of bronchitis (AEB), 53% to community-acquired pneumonia(CAP) and 14% to infectious exacerbation of the bronchiectasias (IEB), most of the patients presented common symptoms as cough 84...

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