Factores de Riesgo Asociados a la Seroprevalencia de Toxoplasma gondii en Mamíferos del Orden Carnivora y Primates Mantenidos en Cautiverio

  • Navarro M., Dennis
  • Chávez V., Amanda
  • Pinedo V., Rosa
  • Muñoz D., Karina
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Publication date
September 2015
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria
Spanish; Castilian


The objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of T. gondii in captive wild animals of the Carnivora and Primates orders and identify the epidemiologic variables involved in its presentation. The study was conducted at the Patronato del Parque de las Leyendas Zoo, Lima, Peru. Blood samples were collected (Carnivora, n=49; Primates, n=52). In addition, samples were collected from 87 urban rodents and 18 domesticcats captured in the zoo. Surveys were done to identify potencial risk factors for each Order. Furthermore, morphometric parameters, estimated age, sex and body weight from rats and age and sex from cats were recorded. Indirect hemaglutination test was used for the diagnosis of T .gondii. Dilutions were prepared from ...

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