Obstrucción Gastrointestinal por Cuerpos Extraños en una Tortuga Charapa (Podocnemis expansa) Mantenida en Cautiverio

  • Lescano G., Jesús
  • Chipayo G., Ysaac
  • Quevedo U., Miryam
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Publication date
June 2015
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria
Spanish; Castilian


The case of a 4-year-old giant South American turtle (Podocnemis expansa) that presented anorexia, vomits and constipation during four days is reported. The animal was kept in a temperate land-water terrarium with gravel as substratum. The diet was only composed by commercial pelleted food for turtles. No alteration was observed during physical examination. Radiologic examination revealed multiple radio-opaque foreign bodies in the stomach. Gastric foreign body obstruction was diagnosed. Medical therapy was administered during seven days with limited success. Gastrotomy was performed and multiple stones of about 5 x 10 mm were removed. Then, the animal continued receiving medical therapy by means of prokinetic, analgesic and antibiotic drug...

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